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About _TwiStED_

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  • Birthday August 19

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  1. works better than anything else, thanks for this
  2. _TwiStED_

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    No and that's why I haven't released anything but I dont wanna do a half ass of it I wana make it awesome again before I release anything but I'm not all that good at fixing code I'm still learning
  3. _TwiStED_

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    i mean working on the script itself and i haven't tried it out for a while but i know forsure i have fixed alot of issues EDIT: p.s i love this mission system so i will make it work.
  4. _TwiStED_

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    This is the best mission system there is (my thoughts) I've been working on this on and off for a while.
  5. extDB2 Log [01:49:31:358270 --7:00] [Thread 8320] extDB2: Database Type: MySQL [01:49:31:363464 --7:00] [Thread 8320] extDB2: Database Session Pool Started [01:49:31:367169 --7:00] [Thread 8320] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Loading Template Filename: D:\Arma\03_exile_sahrani\@ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini [01:49:31:367603 --7:00] [Thread 8320] extDB2: SQL_CUSTOM_V2: Version 12 Detected, Latest Version 12 Available [01:49:41:695781 --7:00] [Thread 8320] extDB2: Stopping ...
  6. 1:30:14 "ExileServer - Loading families from database..." 1:30:14 "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Unknown Protocol" 1:30:14 Error in expression < to _numberOfClans - 1 do { ((_clanIDs select _i) select 0) call ExileServer_sy> 1:30:14 Error position: <select _i) select 0) call ExileServer_sy> 1:30:14 Error Generic error in expression 1:30:14 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_world_loadAllClans.sqf, line 25 Getting this error in my RPT could somone please help? files ive already replaced are: server_root\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server.pbo server_root\@ExileServer\addons\exile_server_config.pbo // And Checked server_root\@ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini server_root\@ExileServer\extDB2.dll server_root\@ExileServer\extDB2.so server_root\@ExileServer\extdb-conf // And Checked and made a new schema in the database. and yes im aware that the rpt error gives a location of the error but ive replaced that whole pbo with the pbo from the server download. Thanks in advance.
  7. _TwiStED_

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    is this ever gona be updated again?
  8. _TwiStED_

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    @papahyooie im guessing that i also have to change the side in Low Unit Count as well ["LUCNT",["LowUnitCount","EAST",1,0,[0,0]] ]
  9. _TwiStED_

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    yeah i thought thats what it was
  10. _TwiStED_

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    What actually defines the side that the ai are spawned on??
  11. _TwiStED_

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    The only way to fix this quickly to to make an additional mod client and server side containing the 3d models, textures and all the other good stuff
  12. _TwiStED_

    TaruPod Buy, Repair, Lock, and Flip v2.0 (Updated for 1.62)

    You wont get any code to work the pods within the game are broken, the game its self dosent even recognise the pods