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About coryh4225

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  1. Noticed on same cap points AI will kill each other. Doesnt happen often.
  2. coryh4225

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Small typo in the ExileServer_banking_map_placeATM.sqf. Chernarus is spelled wrong (chernaurus) causing the atms to not spawn. Have another small issue while using ZCP cap points. I changed the poptab reward code to use the banking system and it works fine but when someone caps a point Infistar reports that characters bank as "ANY" and Wallet as "0". Not sure if its something with the banking or infistar itself. The player does receive the pop tabs and everything is working, just infistar reporting it wrong. So far its only reporting wrong on ZCP though. Here is the poptab reward script for zcp that I edited
  3. coryh4225

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    I believe that worked. Thanks Wolf
  4. coryh4225

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Looks like its something to do with this 10:45:04 Error in expression <ll ExileServer_banking_utils_diagLog;}; uiSleep 0.2; format["updateBank:%1:%2",_> 10:45:04 Error position: <uiSleep 0.2; format["updateBank:%1:%2",_> 10:45:04 Error Generic error in expression 10:45:04 File exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_network_event_onPlayerConnected.sqf, line 31
  5. coryh4225

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Just odd that it worked on one guy and not anyone else. Ill look through the RPTs
  6. coryh4225

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    I'am using Infistar but its setup to flag large money changes but thats it. The one person that the money transferred correctly on had around 38k and the other 4 guys had around 15-20k each.
  7. coryh4225

    [CLOSED] Advanced Banking

    Im having a problem with player money before adding advanced banking not moving over to player bank. Whats weird is out of 5 people so far only 1 persons money moved to there bank. The other 4 has 0 wallet and 0 bank at login. Any ideas?
  8. Are you sure this is working correctly though? Me and a buddy tested it several times and while in group we received a crate and reputation only, and sometimes a vehicles and reputation. When not in group I receive pop tabs, crate, and reputation every time.
  9. When a group caps no one gets pop tabs but when a single person caps pop tabs are rewarded. Is this intended?
  10. Bases spawn on top of each other in namalsk, other than that works good
  11. coryh4225

    Ping jumping on all clients

    Hey guys I'm fighting a ping issue that I can't seem to tackle so I'm hoping some of yall may can lend a hand. It seemed to all happen after switching my servers mod list. I removed cup units, cup vehicles, and added RHS and Tryk. So my mod list is this: Exile, CBA_A3, Cup terrains core, cup terrains maps, Cup weapons, RHS AFR, RHS USA, and tryk. I also updated infistar at the time of the mod switch. At first when the server got up to around 14 people everyone ping would sky rocket to around 600-800. I have now reinstalled the whole dedicated box OS and server and now it's better. So far I don't have the huge ping jumps but now the ping slowly increases as the server population goes up. I'll use myself as an example. With 0-5 people in the server I have a 10-11 ping. With 5-10 people I have around a 20 ping and with around 15 I'm up to 35-40 ping. What could be causing this? Here is a network speed test on the Dedi box.
  12. coryh4225

    Trader Compatible Attachments Problem

    I'm having a problem where I cant see all compatible attachments for my primarys. Server Mod include RHS, Mas Weapons, and Asdg joint Rails. I've tried everything I can think of with joint rail configs. If I remove joint rails then vanilla attachments show up fine. When joint rails is enabled all it shows compatible is ammo. Thanks for any help. Figured it out, thanks..
  13. coryh4225

    Server Randomly appears/disappears from a3 launcher

    showed up for a few hours and now its gone again.
  14. coryh4225

    Server Randomly appears/disappears from a3 launcher

    ok ill remove that and see if it sticks. Thanks
  15. I don't know what it is but I can't get my server to stay on a3 launcher. One minute Ill check and its there and 30 minutes later its gone. Here is my launch parameters. start "Arma3" /wait arma3server.exe -mod=Kart;Mark;Heli;@exile;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@CUP_Terrains_Maps;@NATO_Rus_Weapons;@RHSAFRF;@RHSUSAF;@ASDG_JR; -servermod=@exileserver; -config=D:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\config.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=GXA -cfg=D:\Arma\Server\@ExileServer\basic.cfg -name=GXA -autoinit