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About sageza

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  1. sageza

    [SOLVED] Question about surveillance log

    Allright Thnx all, I'll try it out tonight
  2. sageza

    [SOLVED] Question about surveillance log

    yea just tested it as non-admin, every time i try to open my "info" or "rules" page it closes the xm8 any help on what to do so it doesnt close?
  3. Hey today I found this line in surveillance log I think it's something with x8m apps, I added a button where you can see server rules/info but I can't recreate it (because I'm admin?) any help on how not to get this? Or can i just ignore this? Thnx
  4. sageza

    Australia Error

    Little off topic, how do you do the spawn loot on that map? Did you make/find a loottable with the coordinates? Also could you share them?
  5. sageza

    Infistar logs?

    Why do you have to make me feel stupid Thnx Edit, what use is the "token" from the tokenlogs?
  6. sageza

    Infistar logs?

    Just one question, does infistar write's logfiles? If so where are they saved on the server? Thank you
  7. hey, i keep getting this error when player joins (and they get kicked) 23.02.2016 17:32:55: Sageza (deleted ip) a0c30cd27fd47b573977e787fd55243c - #58 "["\ryanzombies\functions\fn_ModuleSpawner.sqf",".sqf",0,false,false,false,"RyanZM","Ryanzombiesfactionmodule","rzfunctionspawner" i tried the battleye filter tool on this forum wich gave me this, and i putted in line 60 (58+8) !="[\"\ryanzombies\functions\fn_ModuleSpawner.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"RyanZM\",\"Ryanzombiesfactionmodule\",\"rzfunctionspawner" no go, i tried to make it manuelly following the topic "howto battleye filters" and i got this !="[\"\ryanzombies\functions\fn_ModuleSpawner.sqf\",\".sqf\",0,false,false,false,\"RyanZM\",\"Ryanzombiesfactionmodule\",\"rzfunctionspawner\" still no go... anybody who can help me? thnx (btw first time making filters for my server, be easy if its a stupid mistake :x)
  8. same here, any info about this?
  9. sageza

    attach IR to vehicle

    hey, i new at scripting and trying to make a script that would attach a IR grenade to a vehicle at the moment i have this as attach to vehicle script and i have edited my config.cpp with at line 896 (class car added it under "class drainfuel etc) when ingame i get the option to "attach ir" to a vehicle (car) but when activated it does nothing, even when i dont have any ir grenade's it does not give me the hint message of no ir grenade so i'm thinking the script does not activate when i press it on the scroll wheel menu, but with my limited knowledge i'm a little stuck... any help? thnx
  10. sageza

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    hi, greet script, love the missions, but i do keep getting a error in my rpt from dms i tryed to redownload "fn_GroupReinforcementssManager.sqf" and replace it with the one i have, same problems. Everything still works except there are no reinforcements. any help? cheers
  11. sageza

    Disappearing Uniforms & Vests (UAV Related?)

    me and other players have this issue aswel, any update on this?
  12. sageza

    error in expression

    oh right yea, thnx for that and thnx for looking into the rpt cheers mate
  13. sageza

    error in expression

    today i looked at my rpt while the server was starting up and i found a couple Error in expression errors. i dont know if they are serious or not. as far as i know it isnt creating any problems but still..... including my rpt file it starts at line 1154 greetz
  14. sageza

    ExileZ 2

    Yeah I know modders can't fix it but maybe you found a work around or something
  15. sageza

    ExileZ 2

    With the previous version i ran into arma out of memory bug, is this version still affected by it?