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About moto7198712

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  • Birthday 07/19/1987

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  1. moto7198712

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    Can anyone help me trader drop down list are not showing just blank everything is setup right i triple checked i can't buy anything from traders because nothing show up
  2. moto7198712

    Altis high loot tables

    Hey, how's it going everyone? I downloaded all the tools can't get them working can anyone help me? Possibly give me the high loot tables for Altis thanks for your time
  3. moto7198712

    Any Good Way To Clean Server At Every Restart

    just random stuff people dropped random no code vehicles that were spawned in just anything laying around stuff left from building etc
  4. Hey everyone is there a way to clean server at every restart? script etc thanks for the help
  5. moto7198712

    Mission Loading Issue HELP PLEASE!

    yea i get my folder with my files so what am i doing wrong because my altis servers running fine
  6. moto7198712

    Mission Loading Issue HELP PLEASE!

    Thanks for the help Exile.xcam_Taunus; i use this in my config my pbo is a packed folder
  7. moto7198712

    Mission Loading Issue HELP PLEASE!

    i run from pbo
  8. moto7198712

    Mission Loading Issue HELP PLEASE!

    I did that and it still does not load weird
  9. moto7198712

    Mission Loading Issue HELP PLEASE!

    Hey everyone i have this error and i do not know why i triple checked everything Can't find a mission collection / mission with template name: 'Exile.xcam_Taunus', skipping to next mission.
  10. moto7198712

    Does anyone know how to remove the blurry vision from rad zone?

    Ok thank you very much
  11. Hey how's it going can anyone help me out with the blurry vision and color removal from radiation zone !?
  12. moto7198712

    Does anyone know how to re-enable the lobby ?

    OK thanks bro
  13. Hey everyone do any of you know how to turn lobby on again instead of bypassing it?
  14. moto7198712

    Server keeps spawing in ground please help

    correct in what way ??
  15. moto7198712

    Server keeps spawing in ground please help

    ok so now i have pick spawn and get bambi creation error