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  1. So I'm trying something different, but very basic. I want to take a separate app from the pre-packaged "info" app, to make things a little more categorized. Basically, it would just display text that says "Donate" with our URL to donate to our server. Pretty simple. I've got the icon showing in the XM8, and can click it, but its display is completely blank. I'm not really sure where I've gone wrong. I was hoping someone could see what I'm missing: onOpen.sqf: message.sqf config.cpp I'm just familiar enough to make the pre-made apps work, and I thought this would be pretty easy, but the page keeps showing up blank Any thoughts or suggestions?
  2. da1geek

    Users Cannot Connect Through A3 (well, kind of)

    Figured it out. OVH was the problem. I had to turn their firewall ON, and set the rules to "other". That fixed it. Gosh dang hosting companies...
  3. da1geek

    ExileZ 2

    Any idea? Anyone have success getting this to work?
  4. da1geek

    ExileZ 2

    I seem to having some trouble reducing the number of demon spawns. I want them to be a pretty rare occurrence, but even after making the % extremely low, they still seem to spawn frequently. If my math is correct, medium mix should have a 0.21% chance of spawning a demon, medium mil is 0.16% and medium mix is 0.45%. No matter how much I raise the other values (such as slowcivilians) they seem to spawn just as frequently. Has anyone had success reducing the number of spawns? I'd like them to be so rare that people doubt their existence.
  5. da1geek

    Users Cannot Connect Through A3 (well, kind of)

    Sadly this did not resolve it. Users are still unable to get in through A3 and get "frozen" at the loading screen. Waiting for either more advice or a response from OVH =/
  6. da1geek

    Users Cannot Connect Through A3 (well, kind of)

    Got it. Referenced your earlier post last year and now I get with you meant by "For every one of those lines, you need to add something to your mission.sqm "addons" section." That has been fixed now. We'll see if there's any dice with players getting in. I doubt it unfortunately, but I will report back this afternoon (in US).
  7. da1geek

    Users Cannot Connect Through A3 (well, kind of)

    I don't have any mods running that A3 doesn't recognize (at least that I'm aware of), but thank you for the input!
  8. da1geek

    Users Cannot Connect Through A3 (well, kind of)

    For the record sean, only my admins could get in to start, and that was because of the GAME firewall. Disabling that allowed at least some to get in after multiple attempts. Okay. So everything listed under exileserver > addons basically. Got it. i'll add them all and make sure it's cleared up first and go from there. Do I add them to EVERY line for addons, or just the top two? (sorry for the dumb question, but I want to make sure I get this right). Also, and I only adding all the PBO's listed in the addons section like so, and is it just for that first addon line? version=12; class Mission { addOns[]= //just this section? { "exile_client", "Ryanzombies", "ryanzombiesfunctions", "napf", "A2OP" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "exile_client", "napf" }; randomSeed=8080942; class Intel { http://imgur.com/a/sicyl (edited to clarify)
  9. da1geek

    Users Cannot Connect Through A3 (well, kind of)

    Do you think that the error listed here would really cause that? I can definitely adjust the mission. Should the mission addons section contain every addon? Here is my current mission: http://pastebin.com/dR1PyWdX I would be fucking stoked if that fixes it, but it would be strange then that those instances of players trying connect don't even hit the RPT.
  10. I have been experiencing a very weird issue since I fired up the Exile server (even with Vanilla setup). Users are unable to join through A3 launcher - sort of. When just clicking "play", they get to the Exile loading screen and it just freezes. No progress bar, no change in text, it just doesn't go anywhere. Escaping and direct connecting from there connects just fine. Of course, the problem is, outside our immediate group of friends, no ones knows this and cannot connect to the server. Currently about 80% of our users can replicate this. I've checked my RPT up and down, and it the server does not even see them trying to connect. There is zero recognition of the player connecting. Connecting through the Steam Arma Launcher usually works fine. Since most of our traffic comes through A3 launcher this is drastically affecting population. Even our regulars are having difficulties getting in. My intuition makes me think it's our host for the dedicated server (OVH) since the connection seems to break before the server is even hit. However, I made sure their GAME firewall is turned off, as is Windows Firewall. I've done various troubleshooting, and cannot seem to find a resolution. Here is the RPT from when we had a few people on and a couple failed attempts http://pastebin.com/ngMFrEEi . I would really appreciate any advice. I would even appreciate it if anyone tried to replicate the problem and could provide their IP/time they tried to connect and were "frozen" at the loading screen, so I can report the time of connection errors to OVH. Mods: A2OP Frenzied Mod Pack Napf Exile Zombies and Demons Urban Rappelling (optional)
  11. da1geek

    Vehicle Rearm

    Any idea how to get driver-based "gunner" positions working? I cannot get the pawnee or the hellcat/orca armed to rearm. Getting " you have now to enter as gunner - rearm denied!" but since there isn't a gunner...
  12. da1geek

    HVP and Birds and Bees Mismatch

    Welp, that settles that. I went ahead and changed it. Thank you for the alternative solutions Brawn. Your FMP pack has a lot of great features.
  13. da1geek

    HVP and Birds and Bees Mismatch

    Thanks for the help Brawn. I appreciate it.
  14. da1geek

    HVP and Birds and Bees Mismatch

    The answer in the thread was speculative. Also, "take it to A3Launcher. Google, your friend" is not exactly an answer. What you outlined here makes much more sense, is clear and concise. The other thread definitely did not say that. Also , as I said, it's Arma's launcher detecting the BATB not A3 Launcher, which is another reason why that answer didn't make sense originally. It sounds like this thread can be closed. Solution: There isn't one. Approach Hollow or don't use the mod.