Dougie Dayz

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About Dougie Dayz

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  1. Dougie Dayz

    BadLuck Gaming Exile Tanoa

    Welcome to BadLuck Gaming Features: - Custom City's "Military towns" -Recipes "Craft many things with items you find within the game" -AirDrops "Call in air drop supplys" - Loot+ "Tons of loot!" - Virtual Garage "Can hack virtual garages with laptop on flag pole, only get 1 vehicle per hack" - Code Lock Grinding "Use grinders and batterys to break into a base" - AdvanceTowing - Rappelling "Rappel from a roof top or from helicopters" - Roaming AI - Capture Points - Armed Tanks/Helicopters "Priced High, so you must grind for one" - Can Change view distance "XM8" - Helicopter Crashes "With AI" - Patrolling AI "In vehicles and armed huey" - Missions - Trader City AirBus "Takes players on a helicopter ride to each trader" Server Specs: - Processor - 2x E5-2660 0 @ 2.20GHz - Bandwidth - 1Gbit Port: 100TB Transfer - Ram - 96 GB - Disk - 2x 480 GB - Operating System - Windows 2008 English Enterprise
  2. Dougie Dayz

    [Release] xsSpawn | Ground Spawn or Halo Selection

    Having issues, the custom messages after respawn arent showing, i followed the directions, could this be battleye? and if so what do i need to do to fix this issue. Also noticed in the server monitor im getting "BE master disconnected"
  3. Dougie Dayz

    land_i_barracks_v1_f not spawning loot

    Reading Mission loop, i guess i done something wrong in my mission.pbo?
  4. Dougie Dayz

    land_i_barracks_v1_f not spawning loot

    Will try this and post results
  5. Dougie Dayz

    land_i_barracks_v1_f not spawning loot

    Still having the same problem, loot still isn't showing, I done what you mentioned on my server? But not client side and also defined loot positions in the config? But like i said for some reason in my editor these buildings will not show up? But they show up if i open up my saved mission they'll show on the map their just not in the Assets list?
  6. Dougie Dayz

    land_i_barracks_v1_f not spawning loot

    Thanks, will do this and post results! =) And could you tell me also why this building does not show in my editor? I havn't changed anything just updated using the same mods etc.. I placed these buildings on my custom map in previous exile patch.
  7. Dougie Dayz

    land_i_barracks_v1_f not spawning loot

    I have also noticed, this building is not listed in the editor as well.. But its listed under my .cpp cfgbuildings and also has its defined loot positions?
  8. Dougie Dayz

    land_i_barracks_v1_f not spawning loot

    I have noticed 1 building im trying to get to spawn loot, its not spawning any... I already reconfigured loot positons... pasted them in the cpp... it is also listed in the servers .cpp under CFGBuildings.... why is their not any loot showing for this building?? land_i_barracks_v1_f
  9. Dougie Dayz

    Chopper Blows up after restart

    Its exile Chernarus arma3, and it was in the middle of a open flat field, also some of my AI are spawning in dead or hurt
  10. Dougie Dayz

    Chopper Blows up after restart

    After the server restarts and comes back up, chopper is in flames. havn't noticed vehicles how can i resolve this issue
  11. Dougie Dayz

    [Solved] having issues with the lockers

    Turns out it was the Infistar causing the issue.. Thanks!!
  12. Dougie Dayz

    [Solved] having issues with the lockers

    I completly removed all my BE filters, i was thinking infistar but wasn't for sure... whats the latest IDD's and where do they go
  13. Dougie Dayz

    [Solved] having issues with the lockers

    Couple players have informed me that when they try to access the locker the screen comes up then quickly disappears, what is the cause of this?
  14. Dougie Dayz

    Delete please

    delete please
  15. Dougie Dayz

    Needing Some Advice, Slow server startup

    Ok thanks buddy ill post another RPT here shortly