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Everything posted by Liqu1dShadow

  1. Liqu1dShadow

    Patrol Heli Mission Exist?

    Is there a mission system or separate add-on that can spawn two heli's to fly round a map at specific way points? Id'd really like that
  2. Liqu1dShadow

    Patrol Heli Mission Exist?

    thank you, I shall do some reading
  3. Liqu1dShadow

    Does someone want to write me this teleport script?

    Should have updated yesterday, This has been made, without the need for telelport and is working perfect
  4. So I would need to the script to do this... 1) If a player logs in, and they are 2000m from cords [10000,10000,0] they are teleported to any of the cord in point 2 2) Teleport locations: [1000,1000,0],[2000,2000,0],[3000,3000,0],[4000,4000,0],[5000,5000,0] 3) Message appears when a) Entering the 2000m zone "Log off here and you will be teleported to a random location" b) After logging in and being teleported "You were moved from this location as logging off is not allowed" 4) Some how working with Infistars anti-teliport I would be happy to donate £15 to have this wrote and working (if that's allowed)
  5. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    Ah i can see how you are doing that now, im gunna have a play Thank you
  6. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    im not that smart to be able to work out how to do that lol, Now... putting crates in! Im an expert lol
  7. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    I was reading some today to try and get a Ural to spawn in god mode till the mission finished as they blow up on mission start. getting to the point I am going to swap them for crates lol
  8. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    I was about to put that code in lol, "Its raining heli's hallelujah its raining heli's "... lol
  9. Liqu1dShadow


    on GTX you just install DMS and then install Occupation from the control panel... Its literally that simple, nothing goes into the mission file.
  10. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    I will once I get the server running
  11. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    If that was a heli, would it sit still or fly around? Also I am going to ditch the idea of Urals with loot in as its too much agro, one of them keeps blowing up and I cannot get more gear that the example mission shows in them This is the sections from the mission I have
  12. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    Jerome you were right, too many groups I have another question which I cant work out.... The fill vehicle code works perfect but when I make the changes below... it breaks and I cant work out what I am missing. //This truck fills correctly as is your untouched code.... [_truck1,[[5,DMS_sniper_weps],[20,DMS_Box_BaseParts_Concrete],1]], //This truck only fills the weapons and wood not the concrete [_truck2,[[5,DMS_sniper_weps],[10,DMS_Box_BaseParts_Wood],[10,DMS_Box_BaseParts_Concrete],1]] //This truck only fills the weapons and not the concrete [_truck3,[[5,DMS_sniper_weps],[3,Exile_Item_Knife],[20,DMS_BoxSurvivalSupplies],1]] ///////////////// so I think I need to add 1's like the end of each Box section...... ///////////////// .....ox_BaseParts_Wood],1], .....arts_Concrete],1]], This stops the whole static mission. ///////////////// so I think I need to add 2's like the end of each line...... ///////////////// ox_BaseParts_Wood],[10,DMS_Box_BaseParts_Concrete],2]], Same as the top, the first and category items appear in the truck, if there is 3 categories only the first two get loaded in... Am I being stupid and missing something really obvious here? Aaron
  13. Im putting CUP stuff in and I am wondering does this actually make a difference? should I just set everything to { quality = 1?
  14. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    If I load the Saltflats mission this doesn't happen. So I am guessing I have an error to correct
  15. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    ill do some messing about and testing with it. At the moment the script is throwing up error after error From the RPT:
  16. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    I am using this within DMSto limit it to one mission that never times out. I had it on my old server and the box would stick around for the full 4 hours the server was up. meaning players could nip back and forward to get the loot. Also if they die it can take 20 minutes to get back.
  17. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    ah ok, so I could put "playerNear", [_crate1,1700] As its on an island and the player might kill the last AI from the other side. nobody else will be near as the island is 2600m from the next land point. Would that work?
  18. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    what does the 40 represent on the crate? is is 40m and smoke appears?
  19. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    I spotted that one about 3 minutes ago while looking through, they are fixed in the file I have. It looks like this as I have the gunners as _AIGroup11
  20. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    When did that all the AI ran to the middle of the mission and bunched up. one RPG from a building and 80% were killed. so I need to keep them in the areas of the island. I thought this was the only way of doing it
  21. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    Ok so this is what I have, I am so hoping I have understood it properly 10 AI groups, 9 That need to be killed to complete mission 1 Gunner emplacements Reward heli Reward ural 4 Gear crates I have left coordinates as [xxxxx,xxxxx,xx] as I haven't put them in yet, and left the gear crates with place holder names as I need to put items in them. Any glaring mistakes?
  22. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    I read the guide, three times lol. First thing I did, then looked at the mission example. Currently going through it now putting a mission in. Last question I hope as I couldn't find the answer... 1) If I want 9 groups killed to finish the mission allowing the 10th group to still be alive, do I do this?... // Parse and add mission info to missions monitor _added = [ _pos, [ [ "kill", _AIGroup1, _AIGroup2, _AIGroup3, _AIGroup4, _AIGroup5, _AIGroup6, _AIGroup7, _AIGroup8, _AIGroup9 // _AIGroup10 are outside the wall and its too much agro to go kill them ], [ "playerNear", [_crate,40] ]
  23. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    Ok few questions... lol //////////////////////////////// Q1) If I wanted more than one crate, would I do it like this... //////////////////////////////// DMS_CrateCase_SuperGear1 = [ [ "CUP_launch_Igla", "CUP_launch_Igla" ], [ "CUP_Igla_M", "CUP_Igla_M" ], [ "B_Carryall_oli", "B_ViperHarness_oli_F" ] ]; DMS_CrateCase_SuperGear2 = [ [ "CUP_launch_Igla", "CUP_launch_Igla" ], [ "CUP_Igla_M", "CUP_Igla_M" ], [ "B_Carryall_oli", "B_ViperHarness_oli_F" ] ]; // Crate 1 private _crate1 = ["Exile_Container_SupplyBox",[0,0,0]] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate; _crate1 setPosATL [54321,54321,21]; // *Change This* _crate1 setVariable ["DMS_AllowSmoke", true]; [_crate1, "SuperGear1"] call DMS_fnc_FillCrate; // Crate 2 private _crate2 = ["Exile_Container_SupplyBox",[0,0,0]] call DMS_fnc_SpawnCrate; _crate2 setPosATL [12345,12345,12]; // *Change This* _crate2 setVariable ["DMS_AllowSmoke", true]; [_crate2, "SuperGear2"] call DMS_fnc_FillCrate; //////////////////////////////// Q2) If I wanted a C130 instad of a Heli... //////////////////////////////// Would I still use: private _heli1 = but change the heli to.... ["CUP_I_C130J_RACS",[0,0,0]] call DMS_fnc_SpawnNonPersistentVehicle; //////////////////////////////// Q3) Can I just change this to what ever weapon I like?... //////////////////////////////// private _AIGearSet = [ "CUP_lmg_L110A1", // "Weapon" //////////////////////////////// Q4) If I use this code would the AI not bunch in the center?... //////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// The below group spawns multiple AI around a specific position. You can utilize //////////// this if you have a big open area you just want AI to spawn around. The number //////////// "5" states how many AI will spawn in this area. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* private _SniperGroup = [ [13137.7,10329.7,0], 5, "hardcore", "sniper", "bandit" ] call DMS_fnc_SpawnAIGroup; */ or do I use this to keep them there?.... // Uncomment this if you don't want your AI wandering around. /* { _x disableAI "PATH"; } forEach (units _AIGroup); */
  24. Liqu1dShadow

    [Guide] Creating DMS static AI mission

    Thank you, I knew I would be miles out lol, Im gunna have a look at this now and get my head around it lol
  25. Liqu1dShadow

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    How far out is this? I kept the indervidual AI spawns so i could at 12 around the outside of the wall, they will run about trying to get back to the middle but this just means they will move about more and stay on the outside. Then added 10 groups to the inside. Also cant work out how to disable reinforcements and to add a heli with a patrol of 2000m You're prob gunna tell me I am miles out lol