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  1. Da der Server durchstartet, auch mit dieser Fehlermeldung, hat dieses Problem ein andere Prioritätsstufe. Ich hatte lediglich nachgefragt weil mir der Forumspost in die Augen gefallen ist. Anderweitig werde ich, aufgrund dessen, das man hier als Faul bezeichnet wird, mich dem Problem widmen. Was ich jetzt alles gefunden habe: aus einem AltisLife Forum aus einen Nitrado-Server Forum (Exile + Esseker) aus einen alten AltisLife Forum und irgendwo habe ich gelesen das aufn Server Steam geupdated werden sollte. Evtl. ist das das Hauptproblem? Da es ja bei unseren Server trotzdem läuft bin ich jetzt zu FAUL nachzuschauen ob diese Vorschläge die Lösung erbringen. Will deswegen jetzt nich irgendwas kaputt machen. Doch hoffe ich das dir diese Infos weiterhelfen @vonnie512
  2. Ganbada

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Yes these are the coordinates for the AI-Spawn. and here _AICount = 20 + (round (random 5)); you can add how many AI from these Coordinates spawn. its the same with Static-Guns. at the bottom you can chance the Messages that apear on screen/map.
  3. Ganbada

    Survival Server

    Ihr könnt auch mal unsern Server probieren. der Loot ist rar und man kann nicht alles kaufen. Wir sind eine deutsch/englische Community und würden uns über jeden freuen der uns Beitritt. Seltenen Loot gibts bei Missionen oder bei unseren Crashsites. Zombies gibts bei uns keine da es in unseren Augen keinen idealen Zombiemod für Exile/Arma gibt. einfach auf meine Sig klicken. Bei weiteren Fragen könnt ihr dort in dem Forum was posten. Wir würden uns freuen
  4. Stimm ich zu. Wir haben auch die Fehlermeldung auch wenn der Server läuft. Doch jede Fehlermeldung zu bekämpfen ist immer gut.
  5. Ganbada

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Is there a possible way to call a mission over an "addAction" that is connected with an Object? Would be a nice addition. something like give an "Exile_Trader_Office" the option that you have to pay <this amount off poptabs/respect> to start the mission. also you could select the difficulty so you have to pay more poptabs/respect but get more Loot. Anyway, the script works flawless. I really like the "deep" configurationfile
  6. Ganbada

    Branch Out... Use different map!

    I hope we can bring you Sahrani tomorrow. After the CUP-Update we get thrown back a littlebit because of new classnames and everything. We ( @Ganbada and @ole ) are working now around 2 months on a nice working Sahrani. We made a complete new Lootspawn-List from Scratch for all (enterable non-enterable) buildings on Sahrani and other nice things. Since the new CUP-Update, we get the needed signkeys, so we dont have to use our selfmade "Hotfix". there was a way that you could use signkeys from AIA-TP to get it worked. crazy i know, but it worked. When everything works nice and we are satisfied with the Testing tomorrow, you will see a Post at the Server Showcase with detailed Infos: - how to join - Stuff that is finished - what comes in the future - and other Things to know. Stay sharp and keep your eyes open best regards
  7. Ganbada

    Scratchies v1.5 - gambling for Exile Mod

    with the Chance-system that comes standard with this script, you have to play around 35 times to win something. But it all depends on Random. Somtimes you win something early or later. Its hard to tell, but we testing around. Ask Ole for more Infos.
  8. Ganbada

    Scratchies v1.5 - gambling for Exile Mod

    @Rythron Thanks for helping us out with Youtube-Videos. I think its no problem that we include your Videos in the Topic? Thanks again.
  9. Ganbada

    Where did A3XAI go?

    I was shocked when i open my Browser and the github from A3XAI was not found. We have it on our Server since Day 1. We run in some Issues because of Linux and use of capital letters with the A3XAI_config but we find and fixed it on our own. So no Reasons to report Problems to Face. Iam sad. Are there any Statements from Face to this Situation? I just want to say thanks to him and hope he brings it back
  10. Ok after some researching i´ve found a solution for this Problem its called _object allowDamage false; so the code should look like this _objects = [ ["Exile_Sign_Office_Small",[3918.69,9293.52,-0.544037],312.173,[[-0.741121,0.671372,0],[0,0,1]],false], ["Exile_Sign_Office_Small",[3918.69,9293.52,-0.544037],312.173,[[-0.741121,0.671372,0],[0,0,1]],false] ]; { private ["_object"]; _object = (_x select 0) createVehicleLocal [0,0,0]; _object setDir (_x select 2); _object setPosATL (_x select 1); _object allowDamage false; //here it goes ;) _object enableSimulation false; } forEach _objects;.Just let this Info here, so if somebody is running in the same Problem.
  11. Ganbada

    Battleeye Script Restriction # 39

    U can get the Fix here
  12. Ganbada

    BE FILTER FAIL 0.9.34

    Nice one! Thanks for the fix. U get my Beans. oh wrong Forum
  13. Ganbada

    Add custom billboards server side

    Ok Thanks. Link works now.
  14. more specifically, where are looking to add an existing Arma3-Object to the Inventory, so we can add it an Event with the "ExileClient_gui_inventory_event_onItemDoubleClick.sqf". Thx
  15. Ganbada

    Add custom billboards server side

    Hi Thanks but is the File down? Or do i have to register at this Hoster to download it? Maybe another Mirror? Thx