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  1. BrokenNail

    Help wanted - error found in rpt

    Okay, so I deleted every mod apart from @exileserver and @exile and all the keys apart from a3.bikey and exile.bikey and anything I added to @ExileServer in addons. I put a un-edited original copy of exile_server.pbo and exile_server_config.pbo to @ExileServer and and original of ExileAltis.pbo to mpmission folder. I deleted all mods from the startup parameters apart from @Exile. Here is the pastebin after taking down everything. If you are just going to tell me to figure it out myself, please don't bother commenting. I have tried to figure it out for the past 3 weeks and that response is becoming quite boring. Thanks to anyone who actually can assist.
  2. BrokenNail

    Help wanted - error found in rpt

    I am going to remove all the mods and try re-adding them one at a time.
  3. BrokenNail

    Help wanted - error found in rpt

    So I tried removing the files from the asssociated .pbo's and it did not work. I checked to make sure the command line was not different form the mod names. I would love some help here. My rpt
  4. BrokenNail

    Help wanted - error found in rpt

    Just want to add that I can see it says conflicting addon, I just don't know which addon these files belong too and which one I should remove
  5. BrokenNail

    Help wanted - error found in rpt

    Hi, Just wanting to know if anyone knows how I fix this error appearing in my rpt log. The error that is confusing me is the last 4 lines.. Thanks
  6. BrokenNail

    Begging for help with Traders.

    @Z80CPU thank you, I will take on board what you have said
  7. BrokenNail

    Begging for help with Traders.

    I think it goes without saying I am a total noob haha.. where is the help section? I thought this was correct in server side problems
  8. BrokenNail

    Begging for help with Traders.

    @Razor77 I will post logs once I can, thanks heaps for being patient with me @Z80CPU I will try to keep all that in mind, I know I am new but I will get there eventually.
  9. BrokenNail

    Need Help - Extended Survival Pack

    Hi all, Basically. I can not get Extended Survival Pack working. I don't know what I am doing wrong, I have a few times to get the mod going but I fail. There is no "READ ME" instructions, only a link on the page to a generic page telling you how to install WHICH I did follow... but it didn't work. Can someone tell me step by step how to install this mod please? I am a first time server owner, I use Wombat Servers currently (not sure if that helps you by knowing how they set up their server ect) Thanks for any help!
  10. Is there a "read me" to install the extended survival pack...? I have used the generic link where it tells you how to install a mod "the basic way" but there is no "read me" file that tells me where to put for example the vehicle skin path... trader price list... I am clueless. Any help would be great!
  11. BrokenNail

    Begging for help with Traders.

    Hi sorry for my delayed reply. @Razor77 I believe I am.. so I would take the "@example" folder and drop it into my arma 3 server and then I edit the description and the init.sqf or initPlayerLocal.sqf in my mpmission\exile.altis folder as instructed. Some mods, or scripts I have added I just have to add the .pbo to the @Exile Server and then alter the description and init or config.cpp files as instructed. In the case of adding a mod, I also add the @example; to my startup perimeters. If I am not installing them incorrectly I am 100% open for knowing how because this is something I do need to learn I also would never laugh at advice or a question because as a newbie I am going to ask some shocking questions myself.
  12. BrokenNail

    Question about Mods

    Ahh that makes sense, thank you
  13. BrokenNail

    Question about Mods

    Hi I am just curious if anyone knows what MOD it is or even if it is a mod, which allows you to purchase Cement floor kit and other cement / wooden building supplies from the Hardware trader? Cheers!
  14. BrokenNail

    Begging for help with Traders.

    For example, it says for me to remove any mods I am not using. The abbreviations confuse me. As put in my spoiler in my OP I can't figure out which of these I don't have. BUT I do actually want some.. I have tried to add TRYK but that is a complete mess.. does not bloody work for me at all. I am a idiot. #include "TRADERS\APEX\ItemListAPEX.hpp" #include "TRADERS\ARMA3V\ItemListARMA3V.hpp" #include "TRADERS\ARMA3W\ItemListARMA3W.hpp" #include "TRADERS\BPOINT\ItemListBPOINT.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUNITS\ItemListCUNITS.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUPV\ItemListCUPV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUPW\ItemListCUPW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\CUSTOM\ItemListCUSTOM.hpp" #include "TRADERS\EBM\ItemListEBM.hpp" #include "TRADERS\Exile\ItemListExile.hpp" #include "TRADERS\FFAA\ItemListFFAA.hpp" #include "TRADERS\FHQ\ItemListFHQ.hpp" #include "TRADERS\FMP\ItemListFMP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\FOX\ItemListFOX.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HAP\ItemListHAP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HAFM\ItemListHAFM.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HVP\ItemListHVP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\HWP\ItemListHWP.hpp" #include "TRADERS\Jonzie\ItemListJonzie.hpp" #include "TRADERS\JETS\ItemListJETS.hpp" #include "TRADERS\KA\ItemListKA.hpp" #include "TRADERS\MASV\ItemListMASV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\MASW\ItemListMASW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\MASWW2\ItemListWW2.hpp" #include "TRADERS\NIA\ItemListNIA.hpp" #include "TRADERS\NLD\ItemListNLD.hpp" #include "TRADERS\PODS\ItemListPODS.hpp" #include "TRADERS\POOK\ItemListPOOK.hpp" #include "TRADERS\R3FW\ItemListR3FW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\RHSGREF\ItemListGREF.hpp" #include "TRADERS\RHSSAF\ItemListRHSSAF.hpp" #include "TRADERS\RHSV\ItemListRHSV.hpp" #include "TRADERS\RHSW\ItemListRHSW.hpp" #include "TRADERS\TANKDLC\ItemListTANKDLC.hpp" #include "TRADERS\TRYK\ItemListTRYK.hpp" //#include "TRADERS\HLC\ItemListHLC.hpp"