• This is a work in progress version. We will open the Wiki for community editing soon!
  • Network Messages

    Please note: This document is incomplete and can contain errors. We are expanding on it so please bear with us. 

    Network messages are send and receive commands built into Exile. These commands allow Exile to transfer data across the network to either the server or client. These functions use remoteExec but they are more secure and harder to hack.

    Starting in Exile version 0.9.6, these commands were opened up for coders and server owners to use without overriding an Exile function only on the client side, meaning that the server can send a network message to the client but not the other way around. Until the functionality is added to the server side, a coder can add this functionality via an override. This wiki will cover both ways of how network messages work, from the client and server side, but the functionality is almost the same.



    This class is what controls how a network message is defined. The files ExileClient_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage.sqf and a custom ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage.sqf will look in the mission config file (IE. config.cpp or description.ext) for the class CfgNetworkMessages and will check the module and parameters against what is being sent. But fist, let's look at what an example network message class looks like. For these examples, we will be using a default Exile network message.

    // Declare the class, the message name is purchaseVehicleRequest
    class purchaseVehicleRequest
        // Declare the module, this is part of the file name
        module = "system_trading";
        // Declare the parameters, these are the typeNames of the fields in the package
        parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    class purchaseVehicleResponse
        module = "system_trading";
        parameters[] = {"SCALAR","STRING","STRING"};

    It's a bit of information so let's dissect the message purchaseVehicleRequest.

    class purchaseVehicleRequest {};
    The declaration of the function. This name will be the ending part of the function name. This name must match the requesting function name or an error be be logged to the RPT and the message will be disregarded. A good practice with naming classes to end the class with the word "Request" if this message is expecting a "Response" back. In this case, it's good to name the responding network message to end with "Response".

    module = "system_trading";
    The "category" of the function. This is a good way of organizing code, allowing for easier flow. This module is used as part of the function call.

    parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    The typeNames of our data we are passing through the command. These MUST match the data being passed or an error will be logged to the RPT and the message will be disregarded.

    "STRING" is not the only typeName that can be used, below are examples of others:

    "SCALAR"         // 1337
    "BOOL"           // true/false
    "ARRAY"          // [1,2,3,4,5]

    For a list of every Network Message used by Exile, check the spoiler.

    class CfgNetworkMessages
    	class startSessionRequest
    		module = "system_session";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class startSessionResponse
    		module = "system_session";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class updateSessionRequest
    		module = "system_session";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class switchMoveRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class updateStatsRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING","SCALAR","SCALAR"};
    	class showFragRequest
    		module = "gui";
    		parameters[] = {"ARRAY"};
    	class hasPlayerRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {};
    	class hasPlayerResponse
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"BOOL"};
    	class createPlayerRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class createPlayerResponse
    		module = "object_player";
    	class loadPlayerRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {};
    	class loadPlayerResponse
    		module = "object_player";
    	class updatePlayerIncapacitatedRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"BOOL"};
    	class savePlayerRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR","SCALAR","SCALAR","SCALAR","SCALAR"};
    	class setPlayerMoneyRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"SCLAR"};
    	class chopTreeRequest
    		module = "object_tree";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class chopBushRequest
    		module = "object_bush";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class systemChatRequest
    		module = "gui";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class advancedHintRequest
    		module = "gui";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class standardHintRequest
    		module = "gui";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class notificationRequest
    		module = "gui_notification";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","ARRAY"};
    	class dynamicTextRequest
    		module = "gui";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR","SCALAR","STRING"};
    	class resetPlayerRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {};
    	class buildConstructionRequest
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","ARRAY"};
    	class payTerritoryProtectionMoneyRequest
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR"};
    	class payTerritoryProtectionMoneyResponse
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class buildTerritoryRequest
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","ARRAY","STRING","STRING"};
    	class constructionResponse
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class swapConstructionRequest
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING","ARRAY"};
    	class deconstructConstructionRequest
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class moveConstructionRequest
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class constructionMoveResponse
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"BOOL","STRING"};
    	class upgradeConstructionRequest
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"OBJECT"};
    	class upgradeConstructionResponse
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"OBJECT"};
    	class flipVehRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class pushVehicleRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR","SCALAR","STRING"};
    	class rotateVehicleRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR"};
    	class lockVehicleRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","BOOL"};
    	class lockResponse
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","BOOL","STRING","STRING","SCALAR"};
    	class spawnLootRequest
    		module = "system_lootManager";
    		parameters[] = {"ARRAY"};
    	class toggleFloodLightRequest
    		module = "object_floodLight";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR"};
    	class connectionTest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"BOOL"};
    	class purchaseVehicleRequest
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class purchaseVehicleResponse
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR","STRING","STRING"};
    	class vehicleSaveRequest
    		module = "system_vehicleSaveQueue";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class purchaseVehicleSkinRequest
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","ARRAY"};
    	class purchaseVehicleSkinResponse
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR","STRING"};
    	class endBambiStateRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {};
    	class purchaseItemRequest
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR","SCALAR","STRING"};
    	class purchaseItemResponse
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR","STRING","STRING","SCALAR","SCALAR","STRING"};
    	class sellItemRequest
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR","SCALAR","STRING"};
    	class sellItemResponse
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR","STRING","STRING","SCALAR","SCALAR","STRING","STRING"};
    	class hotwireLockRequest
    		module = "object_lock";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class lockToggle
    		module = "object_lock";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING","BOOL"};
    	class setPin
    		module = "object_lock";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING","STRING"};
    	class setPinResponse
    		module = "object_lock";
    		parameters[] = {"ARRAY","STRING","STRING"};
    	class packRequest
    		module = "object_container";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class setFuelRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR"};
    	class registerClanRequest
    		module = "system_clan";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class registerClanResponse
    		module = "system_clan";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR","STRING","STRING"};
    	class inviteToPartyRequest
    		module = "system_party";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class joinPartyRequest
    		module = "system_party";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class kickFromPartyRequest
    		module = "system_party";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class announceTerritoryRequest
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class addToTerritoryRequest
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class removeFromTerritoryRequest
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class moderationTerritoryRequest
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING","BOOL"};
    	class sendMoneyRequest
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class moneySentRequest
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class moneyReceivedRequest
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class purchaseTerritory
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {};
    	class purchaseTerritoryResponse
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR"};
    	class requestTerritoryUpgradeDialog
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"OBJECT"};
    	class addLockRequest
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"OBJECT","STRING"};
    	class addLockResponse
    		module = "object_construction";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class territoryUpgradeDialogResponse
    		module = "gui_upgradeTerritoryDialog";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR"};
    	class territoryUpgradeRequest
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"OBJECT"};
    	class territoryUpgradeResponse
    		module = "system_territory";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR","SCALAR","STRING"};
    	class deleteGroupPlz
    		module = "system";
    		parameters[] = {"GROUP"};
    	class wasteDumpRequest
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR"};
    	class wasteDumpResponse
    		module = "system_trading";
    		parameters[] = {"SCALAR","STRING","STRING"};
    	class beginTakeAllRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class beginTakeAllResponse
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class endTakeAllRequest
    		module = "object_player";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class scanCodeLockRequest
    		module = "object_lock";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class scanCodeLockResponse
    		module = "object_lock";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class enableSimulationRequest
    		module = "system_simulationMonitor";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class attachSupplyBoxRequest
    		module = "object_supplyBox";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class detachSupplyBoxRequest
    		module = "object_supplyBox";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class installSupplyBoxRequest
    		module = "object_supplyBox";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class handcuffRequest
    		module = "object_handcuffs";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class handcuffResponse
    		module = "object_handcuffs";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class freeRequest
    		module = "object_handcuffs";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class freeResponse
    		module = "object_handcuffs";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class breakFreeRequest
    		module = "object_handcuffs";
    		parameters[] = {};
    	class breakFreeResponse
    		module = "object_handcuffs";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class updateMyPartyMarkerRequest
    		module = "system_party";
    		parameters[] = {"BOOL","ARRAY"};
    	class updatePartyMarkerRequest
    		module = "system_party";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","BOOL","ARRAY"};
    	class resetCodeRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING","STRING"};
    	class resetCodeResponse
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"ARRAY","STRING","STRING"};
    	class rekeyVehicleRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};
    	class rekeyVehicleDialogRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","SCALAR"};
    	class rekeyVehicleDialogResponse
    		module = "gui_vehicleRekeyDialog";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING","SCALAR"};
    	class resetCodeDialogRequest
    		module = "object_vehicle";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING"};
    	class resetCodeDialogResponse
    		module = "gui_vehicleRekeyDialog";
    		parameters[] = {"STRING","STRING"};


    How these are used in ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage ExileClient_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage will be explained below. 


    These examples will be using the network messages defined above.
    Let's say a player went to the trader and purchased a vehicle. Traders are handled on the client but in order for a vehicle to be saved to the database, the server needs to process it, but how do we let the server know that a client ran a client side script to purchase a vehicle? We send a network message.

    Below is an example of the purchaseVehicleRequest network message used above.

    // Taken from ExileClient_gui_vehicleTraderDialog_event_onPurchaseButtonClick.sqf
        "purchaseVehicleRequest",  // This is the class that is defined in CfgNetworkMessages
        // Package START
            _vehicleClass,  // This is the classname of the vehicle purchased
            _pin            // This is the pin set by the player when purchased
        // Package END
    call ExileClient_system_network_send; // Exile function to call to send a message to the server.
    // Same above command just in one line
    ["purchaseVehicleRequest", [_vehicleClass,_pin]] call ExileClient_system_network_send;

    NOTE: The example will be using a variables named _vehicleClass and _pin. These variables will change based on what vehicle class is chosen and what pin is entered. For ease of understanding, this topic will use the variable names instead of what the data could be. Both of these are passed as STRINGS.


    ExileClient_system_network_send will take this information, attach the player's sessionID, which is unique to the player's client, and remoteExec to the server. ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage will receive this message on the server side.


    ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage will take in this package and perform multiple error checks and security checks to make sure the data is correct.
    Checks include:

    • Payload is defined.
      • IE, [_sessionID, "purchaseVehicleRequest", [_vehicleClass,_pin]]
      •  _sessionID is the player's sessionID that was attached in ExileClient_system_network_send.
    • Payload is an array.
    • Payload includes exactly three fields.
      • Keep in mind that _sessionID was attached, so the payload is now three fields long.
    • Requesting sessionID matches and exists
    • Message name matches the class defined in CfgNetworkMessages.
      • IE, "purchaseVehicleRequest"
    • Requested package parameters count matches the one defined in CfgNetworkMessages.
      • IE, [_vehicleClass,_pin]
      • The count of this array is 2, and the count of parameters for this message is 2
    • typeName's of the package matches CfgNetworkMessages.
      • IE. [_vehicleClass,_pin]
      • The type names of the information being passed is ["STRING","STRING"]

    Once it's checked all of those, dispatchIncomingMessage will try to compile a function call using this information. This is where the class name and module comes in to play.

    In raw terms, this is what it's doing.


    Using the purchaseVehicleRequest, the final function call will be


    dispatchIncomingMessage will then call the function with the following parameters: [_sessionID,[_vehicleClass,_pin]]

    This concludes how a message is sent from the client to the server, next is the other way around.



    Since ExileServer_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleRequest was called, let's examine what the file is doing with the data.


    _sessionID = _this select 0;
    _parameters = _this select 1;
    _vehicleClass = _parameters select 0;
    _pinCode = _parameters select 1;

    This is how to extract the data sent via a network message. On the server side, the player's sessionID will ALWAYS be the first part of the payload (_this select 0) and the "package" will be the second (_this select 1). From the "package" the data sent can be extracted, in this case [_vehicleClass,_pin]. The "package" will always be an array. The way this data is sent to this file looks like this: [_sessionID,[_vehicleClass, _pinCode]]. All messages sent to the server will follow this design, so the way the data extracted is exactly the same across the board.

    This topic won't go into detail how this file works, but in the end it will be sending back the following:

        _sessionID,                     // SessionID of the requesting player
        "purchaseVehicleResponse",      // Name of the class defined in CfgNetworkMessages
        // Package START
            netId _vehicleObject,
            str _playerMoney
        // Package END
    call ExileServer_system_network_send_to;

    Since the command is getting ran on the server, ExileServer_system_network_send_to needs a destination to send the data to. This is why the command has the _sessionID attached to it. _sessionID is the SessionID that was tied to the player that sent the initial request. The rest of this command is the same as on the client, "purchaseVehicleResponse" is the destination, and the package containing the information sending back to the client.


    This file processing the request just like the client side, but instead of attaching the sessionID to the message, it strips it from it.


    Back to the client side, ExileClient_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage receives the message. It preforms the similar checks like the server side one does. Once the checks are done, compiles the function call and sends our package to it. The final package sent to the file, which in the example is ExileClient_system_trading_network_purchaseVehicleResponse, will be [0,netId _vehicleObject,str _playerMoney].


    This is the final file that will receive the information. As stated above, the package is [0,netId _vehicleObject,str _playerMoney] so the file only has a few variables to extract from the data.

    _responseCode = _this select 0;
    _vehicleNetID = _this select 1;
    _newPlayerMoneyString = _this select 2;

    That's it! 


    Editor Notes:

    • You can send a network message to any client from the server so long as the server has their player object or the players sessionID.
    • Exile sends all of the money amounts across the network as strings. When that string reaches it's destination, it's converted back to a number using the command parseNumber
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