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       1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

    They say that Admins are NOT mods, but their group on server is filled with MODS which are essentially ADMINS, they can kick/ban.  On top of that, they snipe from other groups.  When I brought this up, I was banned for being "toxic" all I said was that a player should join the DTG group because they have admins and Torestein (or whatever) said they didn't have any admins, but only had MODs... then he went on to point out that MODS can only ban/kick.  These, in my book, are ADMINS.  

    Fed up with their BULLSHIT, I said to kick me, and instead, they banned me for being "TOXIC"

    In addition,   You can only have ONE person who can promote players to your family and you cannot add people to your spawn point if you build a base and you are NOT that person.


    Response from the author:

    Hi Yen,

    I'm sorry that you had a negative experience on DTG. I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say the mods "can snipe from other groups" ?

    Our moderators have the ability to kick/ban players. They do not have any kind of power that can give them an advantage over other players in-game. This is why we allow them to continue to play while they volunteer their time moderating.

    Additionally, we usually ban players who rant in chat and encourage the moderators to kick them. This is considered trolling and violates one of our server rules. If you wish to continue playing on DTG, you may file a ban appeal - as explained several times.

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