[SG] Exile Chernarus
Spartan Gaming
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Spartan Gaming aims to give you the best experience for your Exile needs! We like to listen to our community and take all your suggestions into consideration. Community communication is #1 priority to us. Our Admin team is here to give you dedicated support for any situation.
We offer a fun, unique server with many custom features. All there to make your gaming sessions the most fun as possible, and made with performance in mind. This is a PVP server. That means loot is not scarce making it easy to get into the action. You do not need to worry about what you can buy from traders, there is no respect restriction.
List of server features:
- Wages
- Daily Rewards
- Base Painting
- XP System
- Unlock perks by earning XP
- Custom weapons skins
- Vehicle/Base Painting (VIP Only)
- Loadout Trader (Allows saving/purchasing of whole loadouts that you personally save)
- Vehicle Tuning Shop (Allows extreme vehicle customization. Such as Chrome, 2 Tone & RGB paint. Neon under-glow)
- Crate loading and selling
- Base Spawning (15 Minutes Cooldown/Removes Bambi Status)
- Deploy a quad/kart at any time (Requires Extension Cord)
- Towing & Custom Air Lifting
- Inmate Market (Sell items with your own prices)
- Reviving (Custom made for our server)
- Vehicle Rearming
- Vehicle Claiming
- Trader 3D Preview with a search feature
- Select a kit when you spawn
- Kits are based on respect
- No Thermal
- Vector Building
- Capture Points
- Unique Missions
- Huge static mission on an isolated island (Massive Rewards)
- Hacking (Safes/Virtual Garages)
- Virtual Garage
- Grinding Doors
- Eject from aircrafts (Above 100m)
- Always on parachute
- Lock vehicles from the inside
- Sea Crates
- Helicopter Crashes
- 24/7 Day Time
- 30m Base Height limit
- Advanced Urban Rappelling
- SafeZonePlus (Protects your vehicles from thieves)
- Black Market Traders
- "9" to Disable Environment Sounds
- Custom Kill Messages (You can toggle them on/off)