MUG - Exile Chernarus Isles
Metal Umbrella Gaming
We highly value our players suggestions. If you need help, we got a admin team ready to help whenever you need one. If its either through Side Chat or on Discord, one admin will always take care of you.
Join the discord for a extra 100k poptabs with 15k respect.
We have the following features on our server:
* Loot+
* FPS+
* 64-Bit
* Virtual Garage
* Missions
* Custom Missions
* Capture Points
* Grinding (Requires 5 batteries per door)
* Virtual Garage Hacking
* Safe Hacking
* Halo Jumping (Must be above 100m)
* Adjustable View Distance Slider
* High Value Traders
* Missile Warnings for air vehicles
* Vector Building
* No Thermal
* Revive
* Deploy Quad through XM8
* Deploy Mozzie through XM8
* Re-Arming
* Crate Loading & selling
* Base Spawning (10 minute cooldown)