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About BoogaHellno

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  1. BoogaHellno

    Cant join server

    Hello, I am getting the error below in my log. When I try to join, you load in for a second and then it kicks you back to amra3 server screen. The only thing that I changed was that RHS mods updated. No other changes. Any help is appreciated. 9:25:23 Error in expression <exitWith { _result = true; }; } forEach ExileTraderZoneMarkerPositionsAndSize; _> 9:25:23 Error position: <ExileTraderZoneMarkerPositionsAndSize; _> 9:25:23 Error Undefined variable in expression: exiletraderzonemarkerpositionsandsize 9:25:23 File exile_client\code\ExileClient_util_world_isInTraderZone.sqf, line 21
  2. BoogaHellno

    Extended Base Mod

    Hello, I am using the mod, but there are a few items that do not show up when you go to build them. The build menu in the upper right of the screen is there, but the item never shows up. I tried placing it and no luck. Its only on a couple of items, one is the Gas pump. Everything else is working with it. Anyone have any ideas? TIA
  3. BoogaHellno

    BTC Armament system

    Hello, Just wondering if anyone is using this mod for Arma 3? It is an old Arma2 mod I used on previous servers and looked for A3 version but no luck. The original files are still available but I do not have the time or the skills to make it Arma 3 ready. TIA
  4. BoogaHellno

    Set up help

    Damn Renegade that worked! Thank you!!!!
  5. BoogaHellno

    Set up help

    I had it called Exile.Dariyah, does it matter? I will try Exile.pja307. Thanks
  6. BoogaHellno

    Set up help

    Hello I am trying to setup a server with the G.O.S Dariyah map and I am having some trouble, hoping someone can help me. I have set up many servers without issue, but am hung up on this one. A3 Launcher says it recognizes the mods, but it never actually shows up. I load through Arma and get the following error "Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWorlds.__cur_mp'". I click ok and it loads into a virtual server and grayed out. I am able to see my guy and run around, just looks like Tron. My launch params: -mod="@Exile;@CUP_Core;@G.O.S Dariyah; The names match folder names and I have played with removing the spaces and periods with no luck. I have also tried different mod load order as well with no luck. I have uploaded CUP Core twice as I have had issues in the past with wierd things and reuploading has fixed it. I think due to its size it can lose packets of info. I have also reuploaded the map twice. The log says everything is loading and working and spawning but no luck. I feel like it may be a mod naming issue but I have not been able to figure it out. I also have in the Mission.sqm class Mission { addOns[]= { "exile_client", "pja307", "CUP_Core" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "exile_client", "pja307", "CUP_Core" I would really appreciate any help anyone can offer. TIA
  7. BoogaHellno

    [XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook [UPDATED]

    I have the same exact issue
  8. Awesome script! Thank you! Also awesome tutorial, well done. Not sure if it has been requested but if not, could you add Bike spawn and or respect based vehicle spawn? Thanks again! Nice work!
  9. BoogaHellno

    Respect based loadouts & UID loadouts.

    I am sorry, I cant figure out where to add the individual UID's, TIA.
  10. BoogaHellno

    Players Spawning as Bunny/Invisible in the ground.. Help?!

    we are having a similar issue, but I can make it go away by changing uniforms. Running vanilla exile as far as uniforms go. the body is half in the ground. Please help.
  11. BoogaHellno

    The memory could not be "read"

    I started having this issue after the new update, played since a3 came out without having it. WTF.
  12. BoogaHellno

    Server issue

    I am at a loss, I have tried a completely vanilla mpmissions file, serverconfig straight from the exile download. So Zero Modifications by me and I am still getting the same error. Anyone have any ideas? TIA!
  13. BoogaHellno

    Server issue

    Hello, Post update, I am having an issue with the following ErrorMessage: Config : some input after EndOfFile. I know what it means, but I am using the same files that worked pre update with no modifications. I have tried looking at the new config files and description files to see if anything changed, I also switched to the "new" versions of both files, can anyone point me in the right direction? TIA
  14. BoogaHellno

    HOG Exile

    We have the following mods, AI missions (VEMF town invasions, DMS and static) Donkey punch mod Roaming trader Remove car tires Custom loadouts based on respect Xm8 apps (Blackjack, Slots, Brama crafting recipes, Build here, Ebase with donator prices, Player scan, Player stats, Spawn bike, View distance, Security camera, Server info) Enigma Exile Revive Status bar Service Point Aircraft eject with parachute Starting coins High Loot Tons of custom crafting recipes
  15. BoogaHellno

    Napf Island A3

    I found in the server config cpp file that the loot buildings had a bunch of them listed twice. I was getting the same error as you. good to go now.