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  1. How did you make the base spawn with the crate?
  2. Anyone else have an issue with the objects not spawning and only the flag and create spawning?
  3. hmmm, the DMS objects all spawn... thanks for the help though kuplion....
  4. I have an issue where the base objects aren't spawning at the loot n death.. it's only the crate and the flag. anyone else have this issue? Thx in advance
  5. 4.6Ghz, ssd, 32gb ram, player count is low, happens at start up. even when I'm the only one on and testing once ai has loaded into the map. There's no visual lag, Server FPS stays high unless a static mission spawns for a second, it may dip to server 43 fps then back to 47 quickly. I didn't think having more than 2 helis and 4 roaming ground vech would cause an issue with the markers..
  6. Thanks for the quick response Kuplion, Watching the Server FPS it's staying at 46 - 47.. does this still mean its lagging?
  7. I have a strange issue.. When I increase the amount of roaming flying ai and ground vech the completed blue DMS markers do not clear.. But when I lower the amount of Heli patrols and ground Vech the mission markers delete when completed like normal.. Any ideas? Edit: Also, If the mission markers for DMS arn't clearing if I tele around on the map and clear some heli AI and ground patrols the markers then clear for a little then start acting up again.
  8. Draftkid


    So, On my Laptop, it works.. but on my desktop, it doesn't and gets the error. tried clearing the cache from the desktop but still nothing. also, the players on the server have the error and can't see it.
  9. Draftkid


    The server is using the 32 bit.. Thank you for all the comments and help.. I'm still super stumped lol
  10. Draftkid


    hmmm this is what i have.. Bottom of the Config.cpp class CfgExileNGMessageBoards { positions[] = {{14580.8, 16885.2, 0},{14585.1, 16880.9, 0}}; }; InitServer.sqf private _objects = [ ["Land_Billboard_F",[14580.8,16885.2,17.7933],[[-0.705661,-0.70855,0],[0,0,1]],[false,false]], ["Land_Billboard_F",[14585.1,16880.9,17.8103],[[-0.709587,-0.704618,0],[0,0,1]],[false,false]], ["Exile_Sign_Aircraft", [14593.7,16753.7,17.8762], [[-0.690074,-0.723738,0],[0,0,1]], [false, false]], goes on... Textures Folder was a simple drag and drop into the Mission folder Exile.Altis and Exile.ini at the bottom, copied and pasted ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ExileNG ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [ngGetTopTenScores] SQL1_1 = SELECT RPAD(CONCAT(RPAD(name,(SELECT MAX(LENGTH(account.name)) as message FROM (SELECT * FROM account WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 13) account),' '),' ',score),42, ' ') message_board_row FROM account WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 13 Number Of Inputs = 0 OUTPUT = 1-STRING [ngGetTopTenDeaths] SQL1_1 = SELECT RPAD(CONCAT(RPAD(name,(SELECT MAX(LENGTH(account.name)) as message FROM (SELECT * FROM account WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK ORDER BY deaths DESC LIMIT 13) account),' '),' ',deaths),42, ' ') message_board_row FROM account WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK ORDER BY deaths DESC LIMIT 13 Number Of Inputs = 0 OUTPUT = 1-STRING [ngGetTopTenKills] SQL1_1 = SELECT RPAD(CONCAT(RPAD(name,(SELECT MAX(LENGTH(account.name)) as message FROM (SELECT * FROM account WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK ORDER BY kills DESC LIMIT 13) account),' '),' ',kills),42, ' ') message_board_row FROM account WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK ORDER BY kills DESC LIMIT 13 Number Of Inputs = 0 OUTPUT = 1-STRING [ngGetTopTenKds] SQL1_1 = SELECT RPAD(CONCAT(RPAD(name,(SELECT MAX(LENGTH(account.name)) as message FROM (SELECT * FROM account WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK ORDER BY kills/deaths DESC LIMIT 13) account),' '),' ',ROUND(kills/deaths,1)),42, ' ') message_board_row FROM account WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK ORDER BY kills/deaths DESC LIMIT 13 Number Of Inputs = 0 OUTPUT = 1-STRING [ngGetTopTenMoney] SQL1_1 = SELECT RPAD(CONCAT(RPAD(name,(SELECT MAX(LENGTH(account.name)) as message FROM (SELECT account.name, COALESCE(SUM(container.money),0) + account.locker as total_money FROM account LEFT JOIN container ON container.account_uid = account.uid WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK GROUP BY account.uid ORDER BY total_money DESC LIMIT 13) account), ' '), ' ', COALESCE(SUM(container.money),0) + account.locker), 42, ' ') message_board_row, COALESCE(SUM(container.money),0) + account.locker total_money FROM account LEFT JOIN container ON container.account_uid = account.uid WHERE last_connect_at > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 WEEK GROUP BY account.uid ORDER BY total_money DESC LIMIT 13 Number Of Inputs = 0 OUTPUT = 1-STRING Lastly, PBO exile_ng and place into main server directory in @exile_ng/addons . on server side mods @exile_ng for bat was added and is seen with the rpt.Log 18:01:01 @exile_ng | @exile_ng | false | GAME DIR | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | 11fdd19c | C:\TCAFiles\Users\MikeB1\63257\@exile_ng ... stumped i have other mods, are the coords wrongly in? all initserver is the two false statements Use notepad C++ for all my stuff and PBO Manager to PBO
  11. Draftkid


    Having the same issue as Teacher... has anyone else had this issue?