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Everything posted by cnnbxy

  1. cnnbxy

    [Release] Satan's Bridge For Malden

    very good
  2. cnnbxy

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    thank you!
  3. cnnbxy

    Weaponjam and Supply on smoke

    I'm sorry, what did you do this?
  4. I found a problem RPT logs report errors My PTR* My BE Settings
  5. cnnbxy

    Problem with Infistar and DMS

    Hello I also encountered this problem, did you solve it?
  6. cnnbxy

    [Release] xsSpawn | Ground Spawn or Halo Selection

    What a pity, very good stuff. Is there a conflict with another script, someone will solve this?
  7. cnnbxy

    ExAd v1.0.4

    I'm thinking about a problem, ExAd Deploy Quad Bike can not do a white list function
  8. You are good, I would like to ask what method can PBO file plus password? Thank you
  9. cnnbxy

    PBO file encryption method
