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About Altarielxlt

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  1. Altarielxlt

    AI Support Units

    hi, i do not know if this works for you but there you go (skip steeps if done): 1. download this pack : 2. follow instructions : a.- Copy the addons folder to the mission PBO's root. Edit description.ext file, adding these 4 classes to the CfgRemoteExec >> Functions class. class AIS_Server_fnc_VehicleMonitor { allowedTargets = 2; }; class AIS_Server_fnc_SetPlayerLocker { allowedTargets = 2; }; class AIS_Server_fnc_SetPlayerMoney { allowedTargets = 2; }; class AIS_Server_fnc_SetPlayerRespect { allowedTargets = 2; }; b.- Edit config.cpp adding the #include to the propper class. (If the class does not exist in your config.cpp, creare it, if it does, just add the include to the end of the class) class CfgPatches { #include "addons\ais\cfgPatches.hpp" }; class CfgFunctions { #include "addons\ais\cfgFunctions.hpp" } class CfgXM8 { extraApps[] = {"AIS_Artillery", "AIS_CAS"}; //add this to last on the class #include "addons\ais\cfgXM8.hpp" }; If you have the ExAd XM8 addon installed, skip this step. // i do not have exad installed so fkoff class CfgExileCustomCode { #include "addons\ais\cfgExileCustomCode.hpp" }; 3. config.cpp as i do not have exad i had done this locate: class XM8_App05_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1 // this is under class CfgXM8 and add some like this you can do the same with the next button: a.- class XM8_App05_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1 { textureNoShortcut = "\A3\Static_f\Mortar_01\data\UI\Mortar_01_ca.paa"; text = "AIS Artillery"; onButtonClick = "['AIS_Artillery', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide"; resource = ""; }; and... b.- class XM8_App06_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1 { textureNoShortcut = "\A3\Air_F_Gamma\Plane_Fighter_03\Data\UI\Plane_Fighter_03_CA.paa"; text = "AIS CAS"; onButtonClick = "['AIS_CAS', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide"; resource = ""; }; ok if you want the other 2 functions not unfinished here the code: class XM8_App07_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1 { textureNoShortcut = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\VehicleIcons\iconparachute_ca.paa"; text = "AIS Resupply"; onButtonClick = "['AIS_Resupply', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide"; resource = ""; }; class XM8_App08_Button: RscExileXM8AppButton1x1 { textureNoShortcut = "\a3\Ui_F_Curator\Data\Displays\RscDisplayCurator\modeGroups_ca.paa"; text = "AIS Reinforcements"; onButtonClick = "['AIS_Reinforcements', 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide"; resource = ""; }; 4. no you go to addons\ais\cfgxm8.hpp, and edit like this: class AIS_Artillery { //title = "AIS Artillery"; controlID = 70000; //IDC:70000 -> 70011 || These need to be unique and out of range from each other //logo = "\A3\Static_f\Mortar_01\data\UI\Mortar_01_ca.paa"; onLoad = "addons\ais\apps\artillery\onLoad.sqf"; onOpen = "addons\ais\apps\artillery\onOpen.sqf"; onClose = "addons\ais\apps\artillery\onClose.sqf"; config = "addons\ais\apps\artillery\config.sqf"; }; // as you can see tittle and logo declarations are on the config.cpp now 5. no you must go to addons\ais\cfgfunctions.hpp and edit like this: class scripts { file = "addons\ais\client\scripts"; class AirVicRTB {}; //class AddAisApps {}; class AddPlayerActions {}; class CreateAisApps {}; class CreateGroundVehicle {}; class CreateAirVehicle {}; class DoCombatHover {}; class EjectAndParachute {}; class FireVirtualArtillery {}; class LaunchVirtualCas {}; class PlayerMonitor {}; class SendMessage {}; class SupplyDrop {}; class SupplyDropService {}; }; /// as you can see i just commented the //class AddAisApps {}; and thats it... i hope this draw a light on your path dovakin ok i instaled exad with this configuration and works fine, you just need to move the description.ext definition of: class CfgFunctions { #include "ExAdClient\CfgFunctions.cpp" }; to: config.cpp cfgfunctions of ais... see you dovah
  2. Altarielxlt

    AI Support Units

    thanks ill try this when i get to home...
  3. Altarielxlt

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    even if i use the OP version i cant get the menu display and the rearm of vehicles... i followed steps from 8 to last but nothing, idk what to do... thanks anyway
  4. Altarielxlt

    AI Support Units

    can you share your method, i cant get the money and respect debited... or maybe share the files? thanks anyway...
  5. Altarielxlt

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    hi, im new around here, i want to install this but idk how, can please anybody point me in the right direction? please..., thanks