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Everything posted by bonwil

  1. Did you ever figure out how to get more than one carrier catapults to work?

  2. bonwil

    Aircraft Carrier

    I have the blue transparent LHD Ship. Said the fix was to set the object not to be shown in editor. I cant figure out how to do
  3. bonwil

    UnownWarrior said he had

    UnownWarrior said he had he had the blue transparent LHD Ship spawn. He said he fixed it was to set the ship object to not show in the editor. How do I do that? I would really appreciate any help. Thanks
  4. bonwil

    virtual garage closes

    I added those numbers to infistar whitelist but virtual garage still closes after acouple seconds. Iam not sure if Iam adding them wrong or something else with infistar is messing it up. Did adding the nembers work for you?