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  1. ThN

    Change when it gets dark

    Great! Thank you very much!
  2. Hello there, I think that it is not possible but still I want to try it and ask you - is there a way how can I set when day turns into night? Soon I'll open Exile server and I want it to have real time - because I like the idea that there will be fixed time and the fact that it will be the same as the real time increases the immersion in my opinion. Only problem I have with this is that it gets dark pretty soon. I mean there should be daylight untill like 9 PM or 10 PM (when its summer). Now it gets dark between 7 PM and 8 PM. Is there some way to modify when it gets dark that I could change it? Many thanks in advance
  3. OK - I get it to work. Nothing is better than using bad server provider. I found out that every time I launched the server, my configs (server.cfg) change adminpassword and commandpassword to be the same and that caused this error. Should anyone else have this problem, check your configs AFTER you star server. Thank you all for your help, can be marked as closed.
  4. I tried to set it up all again step by step and still no change.
  5. Thank you for quick aswer. Sorry I could post it also - I have both passwords in config, see below. I really dont know what to do about this.
  6. Hello, today I tried to get infistar working on my server - with no result. I finnaly look in the RPT file to found this: However my EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp looks like this: I believe that I set it right ... or? Many thanks in advance. MORE FILES: description.ext: config.cfg: