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Spazz711 last won the day on March 11 2018

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  1. Spazz711

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Awesome It was the quickest way to temp fix it lol. Couldn't be stuffed thinking it all out haha
  2. Spazz711

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    I suggest changing deleteVehicle _crate; to: _crate setDamage 1; Why? Players can install the mission crates into their territory which adds them to the DB to persist through restarts. The deleteVehicle command does not delete them from the DB and they will often spring back to their location in the base with all of the gear still inside that was sold in the previous restart. It's basically a massive duping opportunity. The setDamage command however triggers the container onMPKilled event which will delete the crate from the DB whilst also removing the crate when sold.
  3. Spazz711

    New XM8 App coding?

    @NFGCaboose-1 It is possible to use the new Exile Hacking system and modify it to add virtual garage hacking. I have managed to get it working in the new system on my test server but it was a very 'hack' job (no pun intended haha). If I ever manage to organize and optimize it I'll let you know. I'd say someone else will release their own (and better) version at some point anyway
  4. Spazz711

    New XM8 App coding?

    @NFGCaboose-1 Is the old CfgXM8 configs still in your mission files config.cpp? E.g This sort of stuff? I don't use that app so I dont know what it will look like exactly. It sounds like it hasnt been linked up to whatever the onOpen or OnClick is. If you have the original stuff that the mod wants you to put in the config.cpp and have followed the 1.0.4 'app compatibility' as per page 1 then I'm not too sure. Check your rpt's after you try clicking on the button.
  5. Spazz711

    Exile 1.0.4 virtual garage store/retrieval not working

    Would need to see your .rpt and mission config file to see whats happening
  6. Spazz711

    Exile 1.0.4 virtual garage store/retrieval not working

    @Danny Lee Follow the instructions here to get Exad apps working again:
  7. Spazz711

    New XM8 App coding?

    Yeah no problem. Anything to make it easier for people to set up. I would have got no where with setting up my server without people helping each other out and sharing fixes/solutions. Time to return the favour!
  8. Spazz711

    Concrete vs Brick with Metal reinforcement

    Brick = Wood Reinforced Brick = Metal Concrete = Concrete Just double check in-game, spawn yourself some charges and see which works on which type
  9. Spazz711

    Enhanced Movement Mod in Exile (Working!)

    @Doggee Make sure the edited script is actually in the location that you have specified in the overwrite, might need to check for spelling errors in the path aswell.
  10. Spazz711

    New XM8 App coding?

    @Slider@Razor77 I did the same, google an icon and convert to .paa in the same resolution as the existing icons. I have included one for a quad and a jet ski
  11. Spazz711

    [ExAd XM8 APP] Unit Scanner

  12. Spazz711

    retrieveVehicle Has Flawed Logic?

    ExAd does work, just need to workaround it:
  13. Spazz711

    New XM8 App coding?

    It is failing to get the despawn time from the mission file. I have inserted mine directly into the server side file. E.g. Was in config as: ExAd_DV_DESPAWN_IDLE_TIME = 300; Now in serverside \@ExileServer\addons\exad_dv\Functions\fn_spawnDeployableVehicle.sqf if(_tick >= 300)exitWith{_wait = false};
  14. Spazz711

    sql 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 error

    Well by the sounds of that it has already executed the script? When you first ran it did it say it completed the other 3 lines? or did stop the script when it errored on the first?
  15. Spazz711

    sql 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 error

    If you already had Exad VG the column would already be there. Simply remove the first line from the sql script and run it again