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Everything posted by Lincoln.

  1. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] Infistar donate app

    I have infistar donate app on xm8. And I want to change the donate web address. This one is now: and I want this: but it does not work. Someone have any idea?
  2. Lincoln.

    Exad xm8

    I have exad but I dont want the apps only the statusbar. But I can not find where I delete all apps. Have someone any idea?
  3. Lincoln.

    Can not sell Arma 3 vehicles

    You can sell CUP vehicles but not usual arma 3 vehicles. Such as strider,hunter and offroad. How can I add them so players can sell them for money?
  4. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] Infistar donate app

    Ok big thanks to you @kuplion
  5. Lincoln.

    Can not sell Arma 3 vehicles

    class CfgExileArsenal { #include "CUPvehicle\ItemListCUPV.hpp" #include "CUPwepons\ItemListCUPW.hpp" class Exile_Uniform_BambiOverall { quality = 1; price = 1; sellPrice = 1; };
  6. Lincoln.

    Can not sell Arma 3 vehicles

    What should I write to include them? @τĿ | Care Bear
  7. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] Xm8 apps

    Ok thanks. But I want to change the donate web address. This one is now: and I want this: but it does not work. Do you have any idea? @WURSTKETTE
  8. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] Xm8 apps

    I have exad and their apps and now I have purchased for infistar xm8 apps. But I only want the donate app from infistar. How can I in the easiest way do this?
  9. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] Map Editor

    Ok thanks
  10. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] Map Editor

    Is there any way to add your map to the editor and have all your buildings left? I know that you can put out buildings and save the initserver.sqf. But I want to have the buildings I already have and continue. When I add my exile.chernarus to missions/mpmissions I just have the markers left and no buildings.
  11. I get this error in my mission.sqm. Can someone help me? " line 1430:/mission/: Missing { "
  12. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] "line 1430:/mission/: Missing {"

    The second worked. Big thanks to you @Razor77
  13. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] "line 1430:/mission/: Missing {"

    Did not work. I get no concrete marker.
  14. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] "line 1430:/mission/: Missing {"

    I have a concrete mixer zone but I also want a concrete marker. Can you take a look and tell me what I have done wrong? I really appreciate that you helping me. @Razor77
  15. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] "line 1430:/mission/: Missing {"

    Allright thanks for help. I really want to learn
  16. Lincoln.

    [SOLVED] "line 1430:/mission/: Missing {"

    Big thanks. Can you tell me what I made wrong? I want to learn. @Razor77
  17. I get this error now: " line 1430:/mission/: Missing { " @GamersRoost
  18. Hello. I get this error message after I have added some traders to mission.sqm. Does anyone have any idea what I have done wrong? "ErrorMessage: Config : some input after EndOfFile"
  19. I just want to add this to my mission.sqm. But I get this errors. @GamersRoost
  20. Can you answer my friend request on steam? Easier to write there
  21. @GamersRoost
  22. Lincoln.

    ReArm armed vehicles

    Hello. I wonder how players can refuel their armed vehicles. I have tried on gasstation but it doesn't not work. I need a script to this? Thanksful for response.
  23. Lincoln.

    3DEN Editor loot problem

    I had put out military buildings and it was loot in them. But now I have updated the pbo to 1.0.4. And its no loot in all military buildings I have put out. I using 3DEN Editor. Have anyone any idea how I can fix it?
  24. Lincoln.


    I looking for a Statusbar with instructions