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Everything posted by MrNeal

  1. Great shout with the diffmerge tool as I didn't know that was available however it made no difference unfortunately. Are any of the errors serious enough to cause performance issues?
  2. @Ghostrider-DBD Any idea if these errors are known about. I have got the latest version. I did however copy the latest files and left the original configs folder in place rather than updating it all. This is directly from my Infistar report
  3. MrNeal

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Can anyone help me add some other AI vehicles to DMS bandit missions? I would like to see 1 or 2 armed vehicles on a mission. I have this in one of Neds files and assume if may be able to add a vehicle class like DMS_ArmedVehicles from DMS but no idea where or how to place it. // Check calling parameters for manually defined mission position. // You can define "_extraParams" to specify the vehicle classname to spawn, either as _vehClass or [_vehClass] _OK = (_this call DMS_fnc_MissionParams) params [ ["_pos",[],[[]],[3],[],[],[]], ["_extraParams",[]] ]; UPDATE: Found the answer here - Thanks anyway
  4. Hi, Will the following replace the fasternights code in Occupation which I have stopped using? blck_useTimeAcceleration = true; // When true, time acceleration will be periodically updated based on amount of daylight at that time according to the values below. blck_timeAccelerationDay = 3.5; // Daytime time accelearation blck_timeAccelerationDusk = 4; // Dawn/dusk time accelearation blck_timeAccelerationNight = 60; // Nighttim time acceleration
  5. MrNeal

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Thanks @Cloud22 and @ItsDutch for spending the best part of an hour with me on Discord going over my mistake that was not even related to Flag Hacking. I learnt a lot about other server as well.
  6. MrNeal

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    @kuplion I hope you don't mind me tagging you but you are a genius with all things in Exile, I have removed another script which could have been conflicting with this as it also wanted to use the ExileClient_action_execute file and the issue is still there. My report shows the following, can you give me any further pointers? I am using the standard files provided and apart from the CfgNetworkMessages going in the description.ext file its all installed as per described. The reason I have put the CfgNetworkMessages in description.ext is that I have already got it in there but have tried it both config.cpp as well as as far as I have read can go in either. 17:38:27 Error in expression <iable [_conditionFunction,{}]); }; if !(_errorMessage isEqualTo "") exitWith { E> 17:38:27 Error position: <_errorMessage isEqualTo "") exitWith { E> 17:38:27 Error Undefined variable in expression: _errormessage
  7. MrNeal

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Hi @ItsDutch, I am a little confused, the code in the post above is already in Exile.ini by default so I assume you are asking me to replace it rather than adding it as adding throws an error. I have added and overwritten the vanilla with the one you have suggested but still have a problem. When I use the "Hack Flag" command, I get a green bar with SCALAR and NAN% for a split second and from that point on I cant access my inventory or use the "Steal Flag" option. I could access the inventory and Steal Flag before I select Hack Flag. Vanilla [confirmVehicleOwnership] SQL1_1 = SELECT id, territory_id FROM vehicle WHERE nickname = ? AND territory_id = ? SQL1_INPUTS = 1,2 OUTPUT = 1,2 Suggested ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Flag Hack Virtual Garage ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [confirmVehicleOwnership] SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM vehicle WHERE nickname = ? AND territory_id = ? SQL1_INPUTS = 1, 2 OUTPUT = 1 I have seen a post on SCALAR and NAN% in this thread but no reply as to what was wrong and no mention of inventory and stealing flag not working after. I appreciate any help you or others could give.
  8. MrNeal

    [Updated] R3F Logistics Exile (with CUP)

    Yes, but only for fast nights. I use A3XAI for roaming AI and vehicles. I take it the file does not fix the issue then?
  9. MrNeal

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    Hi @ItsDutch I am trying to install FlagHackingExile but can't seem to get it working. One of the issues I have is that each time I put this into the Exile.Ini files, the server will not load. I am using ExtDB3 and have marked out SQL1_INPUTS = 1, 2 (Tried both ways) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Flag Hack Virtual Garage ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; [confirmVehicleOwnership] SQL1_1 = SELECT id FROM vehicle WHERE nickname = ? AND territory_id = ? ;;SQL1_INPUTS = 1, 2 OUTPUT = 1 I have this in the returned in the report: 2031. 15:52:51 "ExileServer - MySQL connection error!" 2034. 15:52:51 "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Failed to initialize database protocol: [0,""Failed to Load Protocol""]" Is there anything I could have got wrong in the file installation that could cause the issue? There were a couple of bits I am not 100% sure about: This block goes in the init.sqf at the bottom. { _code = ""; _function = _x select 0; _file = _x select 1; _code = compileFinal (preprocessFileLineNumbers _file); missionNamespace setVariable [_function, _code]; } forEach [ // Server ["ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest","Custom\FlagHacking\ServerFiles\ExileServer_object_flag_network_hackFlagRequest.sqf"], ["ExileServer_object_flag_network_startFlagHackRequest","Custom\FlagHacking\ServerFiles\ExileServer_object_flag_network_startFlagHackRequest.sqf"], ["ExileServer_object_flag_network_updateFlagHackAttemptRequest","Custom\FlagHacking\ServerFiles\ExileServer_object_flag_network_updateFlagHackAttemptRequest.sqf"], // Client ["ExileClient_action_hackFlag_aborted","Custom\FlagHacking\ClientFiles\ExileClient_action_hackFlag_aborted.sqf"], ["ExileClient_action_hackFlag_completed","Custom\FlagHacking\ClientFiles\ExileClient_action_hackFlag_completed.sqf"], ["ExileClient_action_hackFlag_condition","Custom\FlagHacking\ClientFiles\ExileClient_action_hackFlag_condition.sqf"], ["ExileClient_action_hackFlag_duration","Custom\FlagHacking\ClientFiles\ExileClient_action_hackFlag_duration.sqf"], ["ExileClient_action_hackFlag_failChance","Custom\FlagHacking\ClientFiles\ExileClient_action_hackFlag_failChance.sqf"], ["ExileClient_action_hackFlag_failed","Custom\FlagHacking\ClientFiles\ExileClient_action_hackFlag_failed.sqf"] ]; Add to class class CfgNetworkMessages is in my description.ext file, is that correct?
  10. MrNeal

    [Updated] R3F Logistics Exile (with CUP)

    Hi @aussie battler I am also having an issue where AI captured / Mission won vehicles are despawning, Is this an existing file or does it need to go in R3F somewhere? Thanks in advance
  11. Hi @aussie battler, do you have a working link for this?
  12. MrNeal

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    My Bad, all working now Thanks all
  13. MrNeal

    Fix combat storing for Virtual Garage.

    Hmm, Not working 100% for me. When I try both examples above I fire a test shot, see the combat warning symbol appear, go into the virtual garage and can't store the vehicle. All good at this point but as soon as I leave the virtual garage I am out of combat immediately at which point I can quickly get in and out of the vehicle and open the virtual garage again and this time store the vehicle.
  14. Hello all, I need to reach out to the community with a issue around FPS dropping when any player respawns. Its as simple as that, when the player respawns the client FPS will drop for a few seconds making a noticeable stutter in gameplay. In the past I have set up the server in vanilla and added each mod and each script I use one at a time but still can't nail it to one specific thing. Another observation is that the further away the player respawns the more noticeable the lag. Has anyone got any suggestions or heard of anything like this in the past. I thought it disappeared with Arma 1.90 but maybe returned with the second patch that came out a few days later. I can provide video or more reports if needed. This is a link to a report and had a respawn at 13:42 and another at 13:44!wQsmXSCL!hCJBKuXFmqGwqrmiCZAiB928dyVMSa-AnNqxIvYI-jQ Appreciate your time. UPDATE: Just another observation. The server alse lags when a person spawns in for the first time. Right from the point that they move from the island to the actual playing position.
  15. MrNeal

    Re-spawning causing lag for other players

    @Freakylein Do you think this has anything related to your mod? I do have those errors showing on my reports...
  16. MrNeal

    Re-spawning causing lag for other players

    Do you have the same issue then @Anhor ?
  17. Hi, I'm having some issues with the loot rewards, it never seems to give what i set it for. I assume the first figure below is the minimum it should payout and the second the maximum. Most of the tests I have done, I seem to get less than the minimum. blck_crateMoneyBlue = [30000,30000]; blck_crateMoneyRed = [40000, 40000]; blck_crateMoneyGreen = [60000, 60000]; blck_crateMoneyOrange = [75000, 75000]; @JackDaniels I think you are looking for this (In my case blck_configs_mil.sqf ) blck_killEmptyAIVehicles = false; // when true, the AI vehicle will be extensively damaged once all AI have gotten out or been killed.
  18. Thanks DB, works well. @El Rabito The first time I copied the ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_territory_onOpen.sqf code into notepad++ I noticed the word "true" at the end was in a different font. I deleted the word and typed it in by hand and it worked after that. _radiusButton ctrlEnable false; _territoryDropDown lbSetCurSel 0; true Overtype true by hand ^^
  19. MrNeal

    Fastnights setup

    Hi, Can anyone help with a 4 hour restart. im looking to have 3:45 daytime and the last 15 mins as night time. These are my current settings in occupation SC_fastNightsStarts = 18; // Start fast nights at this hour (24 hour clock) eg. 18 for 6pm SC_fastNightsMultiplierNight = 96; // the time multiplier to use at night (12 = 12x speed) DEFAULT 24 SC_fastNightsEnds = 6; // End fast nights at this hour (24 hour clock) eg. 6 for 6am SC_fastNightsMultiplierDay = 4; // the time multiplier to use during daylight hours (4 = 4x speed)DEFAULT 4 And this in config staticTime[] = {2015,10,3,06,00}; Thanks
  20. MrNeal

    Fastnights setup

    Thank you @Z80CPU I really appreciate the help. Wish there were more like you
  21. Guys, Has anyone got a guide on how to setup the headless client with the blckeagls Mission?
  22. MrNeal

    Crash Loot

    This is great. Nice one @HexicGaming Have you explored crate retrieval as well as most vehicles are carrying crates back from missions?
  23. MrNeal

    [Updated] R3F Logistics Exile (with CUP)

    Thanks @aussie battler Removing the install is not a biggie at the moment and is the lesser of two evils.
  24. MrNeal

    [Updated] R3F Logistics Exile (with CUP)

    Hey all, I have noticed that if I use the R3F mod to move crates via "Take supply box", when the server restarts the crates are empty and not in the same position as I left them. But when I use Exile's "Move" function, they hold their contents and are in the same place as they were put in. I have ran a couple of tests on different servers to be sure and the crate in question is Exile_Container_SupplyBox, has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?