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Everything posted by Abyss33

  1. I was wondering if it is possible to hide the mission marker, circle, AI count and text for a specific DMS mission. The goal is to make it so that the mission could only be found by players stumbling onto it, but the quest would still complete as normal once the players eliminated the AI. But I only want to do this with specific missions and not globally, so I need to do it with code in the actual mission sqf (e.g beertransport.sqf). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. Thanks Ned! I appreciate the response and I'll give that a try. I have also found that commenting out the entire _markers section achieves what I was looking for. But your solution sounds much better and more versatile.
  3. Abyss33

    Advanced Towing

    Great! Well, I'll take that as a small victory.
  4. Abyss33

    Advanced Towing

    I'm not sure why you're getting different results. Probably because Arma. So the only thing I can think to do is give you as much info about my setup as possible. I'm using Advanced Towing 1.5 from steam workshop and I'm using it with the mod folder option rather than just calling the function in initServer.sqf. I just unpacked SA_AdvancedTowing.pbo, modified the code, and repacked the pbo. I also have the Advanced Towing 1.5 installed client-side, but the code only needs to be changed on the server side. At least for me. Hopefully someone else will try it and we can tell if I just got incredibly lucky or not.
  5. Abyss33

    Advanced Towing

    Did you try it? It worked for me on my server. But I'm certainly no expert, I just cobbled it together from various posts. So I guess results may vary.
  6. Abyss33

    Advanced Towing

    Sorry to bump an old post, but Google brought me here and I was looking for this for myself. To require an Exile player to have rope on them to deploy tow ropes, copy the "ADD THIS" section of code and paste it in the same place inside the file fn_advancedTowingInit.sqf which is inside SA_AdvancedTowing.pbo SA_Take_Tow_Ropes_Action = { private ["_vehicle","_canTakeTowRopes"]; _vehicle = cursorTarget; if([_vehicle] call SA_Can_Take_Tow_Ropes) then { _canTakeTowRopes = true; if!(missionNamespace getVariable ["SA_TOW_LOCKED_VEHICLES_ENABLED",false]) then { if( locked _vehicle > 1 ) then { ["Cannot take tow ropes from locked vehicle",false] call SA_Hint; _canTakeTowRopes = false; }; }; if!(missionNamespace getVariable ["SA_TOW_IN_EXILE_SAFEZONE_ENABLED",false]) then { if(!isNil "ExilePlayerInSafezone") then { if( ExilePlayerInSafezone ) then { ["Cannot take tow ropes in safe zone",false] call SA_Hint; _canTakeTowRopes = false; }; }; }; ////////////////////// ADD THIS //////////////////////////////////// // Custom Exile Rope Check if (!("Exile_Item_Rope" in (vestItems player + uniformItems player + backpackItems player + assignedItems player))) then { ["You don't have any rope.",false] call SA_Hint; _canTakeTowRopes = false; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if(_canTakeTowRopes) then { [_vehicle,player] call SA_Take_Tow_Ropes; }; }; }; It only needs to be server-side to work. Hope this helps someone!
  7. I'm having a problem on my server that I hope someone can help me with. The AI, both infantry and roaming vehicles, attack players and NPCs inside safe zones. Is this normal? Specifically the main airport terminal on Altis, but I assume it happens at all traders. I'm using mostly defaults and map overrides is set to true. Do I need to manually add blacklisted zones to traders and if so, will that stop them from getting too close to the zones? Thanks in advance, anyone who replies.