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  1. AllenK

    [Release] Admin Tool: Zombie Shield (RyanZombies/ExileZ)

    Thanks for this code, I recently purchased infiSTAR for my test server and you can integrate the above code as a custom function as follows: Depending on the number of zombies you have on the server, I recommend either setting the radius larger or the sleep timer smaller to keep up with the fast zombies. *Note: you can probably integrate it right into the main code, but not recommended especially if you plan to update infiSTAR at some point in the future. The most recent version of infiSTAR includes a file called: CUSTOM_FUNCTIONS.hpp where you can create 3 types of custom commands (toggle being one of them) class custom1 { type = 1; // toggle on/off name = "Zombie Shield"; code = "if(isNil'zombieShieldToggle')then{MiZ_Zombie_Toggle1 = 1; zombieShieldToggle=true;}else{MiZ_Zombie_Toggle1 = 0;zombieShieldToggle=nil;}; \ []spawn \ { \ while {MiZ_Zombie_Toggle1 == 1} do \ { \ _Pos1 = getPos player; \ _EntitiesArray1 = _Pos1 nearEntities ['all',20]; \ { \ _Zombie1 = _x; \ if (_Zombie1 getVariable 'RZ_isZombie') then \ { \ deleteVehicle _Zombie1; \ sleep 1; \ }; \ if (_Zombie1 getVariable 'RZ_isDemon') then \ { \ deleteVehicle _Zombie1; \ sleep 1; \ }; \ }foreach _EntitiesArray1; \ sleep 1; \ }; \ };"; };