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About BajastaR

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  1. hola tambiem estamos armando un server latinoamericano.
  2. Hola buenas tardes estamos montando un server de exile y me ocurre que a los autos comprados aunque tengan seguro puedo ver su inventario y tomar las cosas de el. Solo no puedo manejarlo. Que estará pasando.
  3. I have another problem in a car with a padlock and it's not mine I can take things from the car, I just can not get into the car
  4. BajastaR

    ExAd v1.0.4

    nop i tray to reinstall and same problen when touch padding bar and no font to change, thanks
  5. BajastaR

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Maybe you missed that part..
  6. BajastaR

    ExAd v1.0.4

    Whay my ststus bar say "any" and i can change the font???
  7. BajastaR

    Stats Bar error

    can't change type in stat bat and the word "any" apear for any word of stat bar. only move pabbing bar an then the stats bay change to "any" please help