Elite IV

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About Elite IV

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  • Birthday 07/16/1998

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  1. Elite IV

    Extended Base Mod

    Weird, i load this mod via server and when a client connects they get a memory error and crash. Anyone got solution?
  2. Elite IV

    Toast messages don't work for everyone?

    I need help with this please, don't anyone have the same problem? Could it be Remote Execution related? Because infiSTAR wanted me to remove it from the description.ext and make it into a file then include it in the description.ext.... Help please, ocd just annoying the shit outta me.
  3. I have a weird bug on my server where toast messages work for some people and other people don't see it but they can hear the sound. I've looked at my Client and Server RPT logs and i don't see anything that could be related. Nothing overwrites or modifies the toast messages either. Any suggestions? I'm really lost with this one and need help. Thank you in advance.
  4. [Tutorial] How to implement auto restarts to exile mod My guide should help you with both Dedicated server and TCA Game Panel.
  5. if(SC_occupyLootCrates && count playableUnits = 5) then { uiSleep 15; // delay the start call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\x\addons\a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationLootCrates.sqf"; }; Actually, also. Can someone tell me. Because this is where it inits, it wouldn't be good right? Because if the server doesn't have 5 players on when the script starts in the scheduler then it will not start the loot crates and it's not a loop either so... This wouldn't be good either way correct?
  6. Elite IV

    Exile's Toast IDD / HPP related stuff

    Yeah i had a feeling that it wasn't allowed. I'll eventually get around to getting some coin for the exile version rather than trying to patch this one for it.
  7. Elite IV

    Exile's Toast IDD / HPP related stuff

    Does anyone know the IDD for the toast messages on Exile. (Even related IDD's, numbers and interface stuff.) Because i'm too broke for the infiSTAR exile version (at the moment), i've modified infiSTAR temporarily (the original, works with altis life, koth and epoch) to work with exile so i can use the admin tools. Currently the infiSTAR menu is closing the interface for the toast messages. I need to whitelist it i guess. New to the exile framework. I'm having troubles finding this sorta information out.
  8. Elite IV

    Var for inventory poptabs?

    Right, interesting. Works >.< Thank you!
  9. Elite IV

    Var for inventory poptabs?

    That var seems to be null. Displays on my status bar as "any" _inventoryMoney = ExileMoney; Inventory Poptabs: %3 >> var1, var2, _inventoryMoney I'm positive that I've written it correctly. Reviewed it several times. Above is just an example of how i implemented it. Works fine for my respect section. Using "ExileClientPlayerScore".
  10. Elite IV

    Var for inventory poptabs?

    I've been working on my own status bar for quite some time now. It used to be only for my life server but i've ported it to work with my exile server. I want it to display the amount of poptabs you have in your inventory not in the locker. Does anyone know the var that stores that integer? I tried using "ExileClientPlayerMoney" but it must be outdated. Found this is someone else's script as a reference.