White Tiger

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Everything posted by White Tiger

  1. White Tiger

    Imperfect Gaming Exile

    We are a new community (well I tried to do this in 2017 but I didn't have the funds). Anyway, I try to modify the server daily so there is new stuff to do. This server has TFAR, side missions, zombies, etc. We also have a "Vote to Affect" section on the website where the players can decide if they want to add/change something on the server. Feel free to make an account on: https://community.imperfectgaming.com/ and the mod list is here: http://imperfectgaming.com/a3exilemodlist.html
  2. White Tiger

    Exile Server Management

    Yeah... This completely broke my server, I can't even start it from commandline now, no idea how this happened...
  3. White Tiger

    Imperfect Gaming Exile

    We are a new community just starting up, we will be adding additional servers to our line up. We are currently looking for additional staff members, and additional games to host. **I am currently working on getting a new map for the server, I am trying to decide on what map to chose if you have any ideas please let me know** Visit our website: https://community.imperfectgaming.com
  4. White Tiger

    Will it ever stop?

    Eh some people are like that, nothing that you can do about that. I am really curious how you got Redux to work though...
  5. ^ oh gawd pastebin would of been better. I am pretty sure its "battleye" and not "Battleye" assuming you're on Linux. The way I added my stuff to scripts was to go on the line number and add the new addition to the end of that line. Seemed to work properly for me.