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  1. Sick. have you released atm?
  2. mangos

    Script To import any object placed to m3 editor.

    If say you have a mission sqm or spawn some objects in and then load up the m3editor, You run this code and it will add the objects to your list on m3 editor so you can extract them or move them around. Otherwise those objects wouldnt be in m3editor. So for example if you used the new eden editor to do your traders and convert it to the public branch and run m3editor with the mission it will not show up. Run that small bit of code on the escape menu and tada, You can edit with m3editor now. Or you execute the script initserver.sqf that comes in your missoin file in singleplayer and run that bit of code you can now edit the default trader cities and export them. Probally not alot of people will use it but hey. It takes a lot of time re doing traders and such
  3. { _dir = getdir _x; _object setVariable ['M3E_dir', _dir, true]; _object setVariable ['M3E_pitch', 0, true]; _object setVariable ['M3E_bank', 0, true]; _object setVariable ['M3E_followterrain', false, true]; _object setVariable ['M3E_position', position _x, true]; M3E_insertedObjects pushBack _x; } forEach allMissionObjects "All"; call M3E_fnc_loadSpawnedList; Enjoy, Saved tons of time
  4. mangos

    Backpack & Vehicle Capacity

    If you add taru pods, The hemit can carry them and they save. the cargo one has 10000 storage
  5. mangos

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    Okay, WIth the arguments for the commands, How do you write those in Cheers
  6. mangos

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    @Torndeco Looks like when using the tc admin extract function it doesnt like to extract everything, odd
  7. mangos

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    Having an issue with it. No logs are in @marma/logs, Can see the name of it on the website, But no metrics, Done that description.ext, Using a host. Ive put a ticket in for them to give me -servermod as the mod is currently on -mod. Does that make a differnce, And Do i need the hosting company to unblock the dll?