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About Beighmey

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  1. Beighmey

    Exile zombies

    Yeah, what’s your steam name?
  2. Beighmey

    Exile zombies

  3. Beighmey

    Exile zombies

    What’s your steam name dedkunt?
  4. Beighmey

    Exile zombies

    Yeah, I’ll be on tonight around 8pm est. Well all meet up around that time. I have already have a fun server, nothing built up yet so we can work on that together. I’ll get you the server details tonight, i can’t tell you on here or I’ll be banned.
  5. Beighmey

    Exile zombies

    I’m looking for teammates to play with be able to get better loot, get money, and build a base. Let me know if you’re interested.
  6. Beighmey

    looking for new friends to play exile with

    If you’re still looking for someone to play with let me know. I’m on a great server, i just need teammates to get better loot, get money, and build a base.
  7. Beighmey

    [US] LFG Looking for people to play with!!

    You still wanna play on a server. I need a teammate so we can get money, better loot, and build a base. Let me know if you’re in in.