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Everything posted by eraser1

  1. eraser1

    About infistar Global ban

    Thread locked. This is not the place to discuss/appeal your infiSTAR ban.
  2. The new Exile update is on the horizon, and despite all of the amazing features it's gonna bring, it's also gonna bring headaches for server owners who have to update their server(s) and the dozens of customizations that they made. One of the daunting tasks is updating BattlEye filters. Granted, Exile does come with filters by default that would work fine, if it weren't for the fact that most servers run custom scripts/addons that trigger the BE filters, so almost every time you add something you end up with a BattlEye kick (only one if you're lucky). I've gone through the experience many times, and let's face it: it's tedious. When you get a script restriction, you have to copy the code, replace all of the newlines with "\n"s, find the right line, and update your "scripts.txt". There are certain online tools that will automatically replace newlines for you, but wouldn't it be nice if the script exception was generated and added completely automatically as soon as it happens? Well, I think so, so I mish-mashed some code together and created the "BattlEye Automatic Exception Generator". It will automatically scan your scripts.log for script restrictions, replace newlines in the code (if they exist), and add the exception to your "scripts.txt" on the correct line. It will also prevent duplicate exceptions from being added (to the same line). ***!!!READ THE README BEFORE ASKING ANY QUESTIONS!!!*** Seriously guys (and gals). If I see any question in here that is answered by the readme, I will simply ignore it, and it may even be deleted. If you have any questions/comments/concerns/suggestions, please leave them below. I made this for "fun" in my free time, and it is not perfect by any means, so any help/suggestions are appreciated. DOWNLOAD: PS: I know people have made stuff like this before, but none of the tools were publicly available, and least of all, open source.
  3. eraser1

    [SOLVED] Dupe pop tabs in virtual garage

    We have closed this thread and marked it as solved.
  4. eraser1

    [SOLVED] Dupe pop tabs in virtual garage

    Thanks for the report!
  5. eraser1

    (It's happening!) Exile Escape

    Don't forget the leaflets! Everybody loves leaflets
  6. eraser1

    DMS - Defent's Mission System
  7. eraser1

    BattlEye Automatic (Script) Exception Generator

    @johnyboy2o11 Just follow the instructions. It will automatically generate exceptions for your scripts.txt as scripts logs are created. It doesn't matter if you have any other mods or addons running.
  8. We still have upcoming changes and tweaks pending, don't you worry.
  9. eraser1

    What does Exile mod do?

    It's a framework for Many addons have been created to build on this framework to suit various play styles and scenarios.
  10. Do you want to spawn weapons with attachments, but are annoyed by the trader attachment "dupe"? Well, you can paste this script in your init to work around it! What this script does is that it checks to see if the player's weapons (both primary and handgun) spawn with attachments by default. If it does detect that they have those attachments by default, then it will 1) Find a replacement by checking the parent classes of the weapon (which usually contain the "stock" weapon version, at least for vanilla ArmA 3 weapons. I haven't tried any modded weapons yet) 2) If a suitable replacement is found, it will then save the configuration of the weapon (which attachments it has, what magazine and how many bullets are in the mag). 3) Remove the original weapon, and add the replacement. 4) Re-add the attachments that were on the original weapon, including magazines, with the correct amount of bullet. The script will replace GL ammo as well, again with the correct # of rounds (if using a 3GL). 5) In the event that the replacement weapon got loaded with extra magazines from the player's inventory, then those magazines will also be re-added to the inventory (again, with correct # of rounds, even with a GL). The player shouldn't notice that anything has happened, and at most the script might disrupt an animation, and it might move a magazine or two around (I could ensure that the magazines are kept identical, but I think it's pretty minor and hardly worth the effort). Other than that, I can't guarantee that it will work on any modded weapons, that's for you to test out. INSTRUCTIONS: Paste the script directly in the mission file after line 8, where it says "if (!hasInterface || isServer) exitWith {};" will automatically add it to the Exile thread system on a 30 second delay. The delay can be adjusted at the top. Edit the "ExileServer_system_process_preInit.sqf" in the "exile_server\code\" folder: Comment out line 21: //call ExileServer_system_process_noobFilter; This script will work just as fine in any other mod, or even in vanilla (if you take out the Exile thread system part ) in case you have any use for that. Leave any questions/concerns/issues below!
  11. eraser1

    ExileServer_util_fill_fillWeapons issue.

    Fixed, thanks
  12. eraser1

    Holy F'n Spam Batman! WTF is this?

    You might want to consider tweaking your basic.cfg
  13. eraser1

    [CLOSED] Global Banned???

    This is not the correct location to make a ban appeal for infistar. Either join his discord or make a ticket on his website. Thread locked.
  14. eraser1

    [HELP] How to Change in-game UI.

    Keep in mind that "Better" UI tends to be subjective. Eichi was experimenting with a plethora of themes and designs before settling on the current one. He also did a lot of research and made decisions on the "requirements" for the UI before selecting it. If you don't like it, you're more than welcome to override the vanilla Exile UI.
  15. eraser1

    What "IF" we don't have filters?

    Infistar typically relies on the presence of BE filters, at least for some of its functions, and uses them to complement its anti-hack features: neither BE Filters nor Infistar is a replacement for the other. Unfortunately, because Infistar only has access to script commands, it is fairly limited in scope of what it can do to detect/prevent cheaters (but @infiSTAR still makes the most of it). This is why the anti-hack comes with a set of BE filters you can use. I would say that if you aren't going to use the kicking function of most of the filters, that you at least log some things.
  16. @[AI] Stalker That is incorrect due to a variety of reasons. The "fn_FillCrate" function is designed so that no modifications are needed to the script itself, thanks to the option to pass code (and its parameters) directly to the function. All you have to do is create a function that will return a list with 3 sets of values: Weapons, Items, and Backpacks. So if you had a list that defined "_crate_weapons_scopes", and you wanted to add each scope from that list one by one, you would do: private _weapons = []; private _items = []; private _backpacks = []; { _items pushBack _x; } forEach _crate_weapons_scopes; [ _weapons, _items, _backpacks ] You define and initialize the list of weapons, items, and backpacks at the top. No weapons or backpacks are added in this example, so they remain empty lists when they get to the bottom. Then the script simply cycles through "_crate_weapons_scopes" and adds each scope to the list of items. Finally, at the bottom, the values are "returned" to whatever script/function that called the script in the example. In this case, you would simply return a list with: "Weapons, Items, and Backpacks" in the form that DMS expects/requires. The fillCrate function will then handle the rest.
  17. eraser1

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @CaptainChaos The special mission "wrapper" doesn't care what's actually inside of the mission file. It only handles when the mission spawns. Once the mission is selected, it's just like any other mission. @533DK I'm still unclear as to your exact intention. If you want to prevent the crate from being blown up, you can use DMS_GodmodeCrates. If you want to re-spawn a crate with the same loot parameters you simply call fn_fillcrate with the same values that are in the mission. Keep in mind that this will almost certainly NOT give you the same exact loot, but instead will spawn another set of loot in the crate, but with the same parameters (because the loot each time is randomized).
  18. eraser1

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @Jerry Cornelius @533DK
  19. @[AI] Stalker DMS only supports Weapons, Items, and Backpacks as the default loot values parameters, as indicated in the function header. You may also pass your own function and parameter(s) to the fillcrate function, and it will simply call the passed function with the passed parameters. It's all in the documentation.
  20. eraser1

    What happened to EXILE DL on Steam?

    Please download the Exile mod from this page:
  21. eraser1

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @Kurewe Should be fixed now. Thanks for the report! @Motra Please refer to the plethora of sample missions to see how you can make your own mission(s). Also:
  22. eraser1

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

  23. eraser1

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @BaroN Your idea can be implemented in the mission itself using some logic and the onSuccessScripts parameter for the mission(s). @GZRep That issue has been happening since the beginning of time in ArmA. I can't be bothered to investigate further; but others have replied with some "workarounds" in this thread.
  24. eraser1

    DMS - Defent's Mission System