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Everything posted by Unkown_GTX

  1. Unkown_GTX

    Infistar blocking my display

    Hey guys im the creator of voyagerCompass and some people complained they cant open my dialog. This workshop addon is actually a single script these peope have been using. InfiStar requires you to whitelist idds but my dialog is being created without one (no description.ext config..). It is created inside the script.sqf itself. Like this: with uiNamespace do { nc_dialogDisplay = findDisplay 46 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty"; }; _display = uiNamespace getVariable "nc_dialogDisplay"; ctrlIDD returns Display #-1. Main Display (46) and -1 are already whitelisted but dont work here. And a titleDisplay is also in use: ("compassTitle" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["RscTitleDisplayEmpty", "PLAIN"]; _display = uiNamespace getVariable "RscTitleDisplayEmpty"; Is there a way to whitelist the uiNamespace variable? Or are there other Methods or Whitelists.?
  2. Unkown_GTX

    Infistar blocking my display

    I got a fast dirty fix for you. I guess youre using the script so a small line-change shouldn't be a problem Can you try inserting these two lines at 489 _edit ctrlSetPosition [-2, -2, 0.05, 0.05]; _edit2 ctrlSetPosition [-2, -2, 0.05, 0.05]; so it looks like this if !(_x in currentMarkers) then { _display = uiNamespace getVariable "RscTitleDisplayEmpty"; _index = allMapMarkers find _x; _idc = 5500 + _index; _edit = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", _idc]; _edit2 = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", _idc + 100]; _edit ctrlSetPosition [-2, -2, 0.05, 0.05]; _edit2 ctrlSetPosition [-2, -2, 0.05, 0.05]; _img = getText (configfile >> "cfgMarkers" >> markerType _x >> "icon"); _txt = parseText format ["<img image='%1' align='center'/>", _img]; _edit ctrlSetStructuredText _txt; _edit2 ctrlSetStructuredText _txt; _edit ctrlCommit 0; _edit2 ctrlCommit 0; currentMarkers pushBack _x; combMarkers pushBack [_idc, _x]; systemChat format ["created: %1", _x]; }; I know its really dirty code but optimization comes last haha
  3. Unkown_GTX

    Infistar blocking my display

    I just realized i wrote my name wrong when registrating haha The thing is i dont own InfiStar or even play exile. Its just that people have reported its not working