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Everything posted by CrazyCorky

  1. CrazyCorky

    a3_vemf_reloaded by IT07

    Did I overlook an option to have reward crates have ammo that matches the weapons found in the reward crates? The ammo that spawns in the crate doesn't match the weapons in said crate.
  2. CrazyCorky


    Zol are you trying to create the mission PBO for panthera?
  3. CrazyCorky

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    I've randomly had AVS vehicles not spawning in damaged despite the threshold being .35 and .75... anyone else encounter this?
  4. Your first step would be to try and find real height data for the area. Then bring that into L3DT. Beyond that there's plenty of tutorials out there. Keep in mind it may be difficult to get the area to look right without US style buildings.
  5. CrazyCorky

    Detrimental weather effects script

    So the cold clothes are the clothes that would allow the player to be cold or that would keep the player warm?
  6. CrazyCorky

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    Running PTWS and I get the following error. Did I do something wrong? Any help would be appreciated!
  7. CrazyCorky

    Zombies will not attack AI

    Was this ever solved using ExileZ? I can't seem to figure out how to make Zombies hostile to AI set to East and the players.
  8. So I'm having the same issue. Would it possibly have to do with world name compared to file name? Am I missing somewhere to force it to load the correct triggers/settings? Mine looks identical.
  9. CrazyCorky

    A3XAI and Tanoa

    This question was posted before however there was no response to it. I was wanting to bring it up again to see if anyone had clue as to why A3XAI Dynamic/Static spawns are not spawning on Tanoa. The Vehicle AI are spawning just fine (Somewhat wonky driving, but expected). I've looked at locations, added the map center to the config file, do I need to edit something in the config? I'm also using the updated version from @kuplion as well. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!
  10. CrazyCorky

    A3XAI and Tanoa

    So I've added Tanoa to the world with the coords and the radius from the center, still no luck. I have debug up to level 2. Nothing shows in the report that I can see. Is there something I'm missing while trying to set this up? As stated before Vehicles AI are spawning fine. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.
  11. CrazyCorky

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

  12. CrazyCorky

    A3XAI and Tanoa

    Yep. No HC.
  13. CrazyCorky

    A3XAI and Tanoa

    I understand. Not sure if it has anything to do with AI not spawning on Tanoa though. They worked fine on Panthera, Chernarus, and Altis. Not sure why I'm having issues on Tanoa. @Brenner Where does the fn_preStart.sqf go?
  14. CrazyCorky

    A3XAI and Tanoa

    I've had the same thing. But it's worked fine on other servers.
  15. CrazyCorky

    [Update] PTWS - Persistent Time and Weather System

    Does this still work reliably or is there a newer version of it?
  16. CrazyCorky

    [UPDATE] VCOM AI (Exile 1.0.4)

    Is this only a server side mod?
  17. CrazyCorky

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    Bought a few things from Stokes. No issues at all. Everything worked as intended with ease.
  18. CrazyCorky

    [SOLVED] Server wont boot

    Is this still an ongoing issue? I've just downloaded the .dll and still having the same error in the log. The server runs but when I try to bring up the admin menu the game freezes. Like above I didn't change anything from day to day.
  19. CrazyCorky


    I honestly think this would be a good idea. Because ideally the more you run/sprint and recover from it the higher your stamina would be normally. It could be implemented on current servers. At the start of it being implemented everyone would be on a level playing field just like start out as a Bambi. It could be reset when you die, thus giving an incentive to stay alive and not to play recklessly. However it seems that a lot pf people don't want the immersion of small things like that added in.
  20. CrazyCorky

    Show off your base.

    These bases are amazing. How did you close up the gaps on the angled roof and get it to match perfectly? Was it using the grid snapping?
  21. CrazyCorky

    Possibly add Barricading or Farming into exile?

    I find the base building in exile to be restrictive. Trying to camouflage a base is hard. And securing it withour building a mansion is a pain. Yes you can layer walls bUT to me that defeats the purpose. I personally think the reinforced houses is a good idea. However not sure it's possible within thewas of Arma as its been stated the HP on actual map objects is rdiculously low. 1 satchel shouldn't destroy and entire house but a wall. I'm not 100% sure but it could be possible to write script that overrides the config of a building with another when a flag or other item is placed inside the building. I just want more ways to camouflage my base from plain sight and from people flying over. Farming has a small place in Exile as an alternate way to get food. But how would you track growth of a crop between restarts? It would have to be another database entry and more physical items on the server. Thus it would decrease performance. You wouldn't be able to use simple objects because you have to be able to interact with it. TLDR: Both are great ideas, however would be difficult to implement properly and effectively in the Arma engine.
  22. The customability in Exile is hands down the best. It's what creates the mod. Allows for so much creativity. The only thing I kind of like about Epoch is the trader system. While I know the MarXet is available, it doesn't quite fill that niche! The building in Exile to me is more seemless. The crafting system seems a bit more in depth and allows for so much stuff to be added!
  23. CrazyCorky


    The don't be an asshat wasn't aimed you. It was a generalization. I merely quoted you because most of what I said was posted before and is almost entirely true. If you feel my information is wrong then please feel free to correct me.
  24. CrazyCorky


    Party System: As stated before is nothing more than a glorified Arma group. Bugs happen with a core game. Defib: Sometimes you have to find the sweet spot and with the disconnect between clients and desync (server/engine related) the person may not be reporting their current death position the same to the server and you thus making it hard to find the "sweet spot". Restarts: Completely up the server owner and is highly dependent on mods being ran, server setup, server location and a million other things. The general consensus is 4 hours allows ample play time while still allowing the server to "breathe". Corpse Duration: Again completely configurable by the server owner. However this also affects server performance as the more static objects and loot on the server increase information sent to and from clients. Bushes: Arma thing. I suggest you learn which bushes you can and can't hit. Want this fixed you have a few options. A) Create your own map and use different bushes or take off simulation so they don't interact with other objects. B) Learn to drive. Take your time. A quad in real life wouldn't be able to plow through some bushes at full speed either. Don't like the bugs go find yourself a different game that will give you the game play style you want. Arma is full of bugs and that's the nature of the beast with a game like this. TLDR: Don't be an asshat, learn to drive, and research where the issues come from before placing blame.
  25. CrazyCorky

    Chernarus Building Replacement Script (Updated Dec 2017)

    I'm assuming this will work on almost any map that has A2 buildings?