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b_FrankZ13 last won the day on October 27 2017

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About b_FrankZ13

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  • Birthday 10/10/2000

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  1. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    check the exile.ini does it request the rating from player or account? I might have made a mistake there.. replace player to account
  2. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    Have you repacked ur files?
  3. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    You should reinstall the serverside files again and follow the readme. It is trying to get the informations from your db... so please try to reinstall this part and if you still need help, message me privet or ask on this thread
  4. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    you have an extra file (fn_initRating) in package replace fn_initRating.sqf in rating to switch keys from Tab to Custom User 7
  5. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    config.cpp inside of exile_server_config
  6. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    execute the line SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; to set the safe update to "off" then execute the line ALTER TABLE `account` ADD rating text NOT NULL; UPDATE `account` SET rating='[]' the debugg thing it not neccessary skip it
  7. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    what it the problem?
  8. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    You can call it from xm8 aswell [] call rt_fnc_openRatingMenu;
  9. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

  10. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    Hi, what is the problem you have? Yes, maybe my readme is not clear at all but just ask questions so I can help you with it.
  11. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    Hi, Exile score and killboard score are tracked different. you can change stuff in the onPlayerKilled.sqf you can also wipe the exile score then it merge with the score. If you need help to edit the file just contact me
  12. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    updated and working. Thanks for the many compliments I got.
  13. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    I might do at this weekend! Please give me a little time to rework a bit. Thanks!
  14. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    Hi, thanks everyone for the feedback. Fixing small stuff, pm me if you want to give it a try and let me know about anything is wrong.
  15. b_FrankZ13

    Kill & Deathboard

    Hello everyone, I want to share a ingame Kill and Deathboard. It counts all Kills and Deaths and show's them on a board. You can open it with custom user key. Here are some screenshots of it. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o9tytozpslkzlo1/AACKLrlv4x3LueUZg_eGLBK2a?dl=0 Infistar ID: 7770 Any help leave a comment below or write me a pm. Any issues let me know and I can fix it. greets b_FrankZ13 Thank you :).