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About RepentzV

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  1. RepentzV

    Brighter Nights

    If its brighter at night explain why on 2035 the nights are pitch black at any set date even without overcast.
  2. RepentzV

    Brighter Nights

    I was struggling with an issue with some maps having extremely dark nights, after looking around and discovering CHBN brighter nights, I attempted using that only to have it not work with exile. So, I heard from @Crazy Mike that there's a variable called 'setAperture', which works in exile and if done properly with time checks, can fix your night time issues: Before: After: How to: In init.sqf, add this: [] execVM "nightFix.sqf"; Create a new sqf file called nightFix.sqf and place it in your root directory Place this code into that sqf file: [original creator for this time check is @STONEY-DSP afaik] while {true} do { if (daytime >= 19 || daytime < 7) then // Adjust these for when you want "night time" { setAperture 4; //how bright you want your nighttimes to be, higher is brighter } else { setAperture 50; //normal view for daytime }; uiSleep 120; //how often you want to check if it daytime or nighttime };
  3. RepentzV

    [Release] Simple Dynamic Status Icons

    I have redone the icons to display clearly at all times, also redone the circles. Simply just replace all images, and the statusicons.sqf / statusicons.hpp files Feel free to use my version here: