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Everything posted by Derpzila

  1. Derpzila

    Chaos on Malden!

    That's the way we like to do it
  2. Derpzila

    Streaming groups/community?

    Harro! I posted up about my YouTube but i stream too - this is more of a question though, with regards to groups/community's on twitch to tag my streams , are there any i should be adding - or avoiding for that matter? I can be found at - tend to stream 3/4 times a week give or take. Wont always be Arma but 95% of it is!
  3. Derpzila

    [FPS] Derpzila

    Hi! So above is my channel into and below there's a link to it, I'm not one for self promotion but I'm All ways being told I should put my self out there more so here it is. Been playing exile and arma for a while but by no means an expert, just like to have a play. Far from serious, far from elite, an definitely up for a laugh. Enjoy!
  4. Derpzila

    [FPS] Exile Malden

    *mumbles while dribbling blood* "fine....fine" *shouts* "FINE OWCH it said ok" "Under no duress what so ever, I hereby give this server a well good review, completely not because Kuplion and Rompastomp made me do it" "Ok?" *head bounces off concrete* *spits out teeth and smiles* "yeah...fuck you too..." No in all seriousness, in all honesty Romp and Kupe and the [FPS] "gang" are all top quality bodies and you should come join the community on the discord and play with us on the servers. Kupe has pretty much coded the zombie mods most people use him self , an ok so there's no Zed's in this server , Malden doesn't need them for some fun. Its a freekin warzone here! Leave your salt at the door and expect to get shot at, explosions , wrecked cars and sheep are common place as is the chat , player interaction and flying lessons given by yours truly and my buddy Kenny. Because NASA said so!