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Everything posted by RCANTEC(RyanD)

  1. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    ExileZ 2 / Ryan's Zombies

    Try in your mission.sqm change "Ryanzombies", to "ryanzombies"
  2. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    Exile Z + TFAR

    Here is a little guide how to setup TFAR, same would apply to Exile, you do need CBA_A3
  3. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    Serious Bambi Timeout error

    Did you resolve your issue?
  4. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    Spawining in ground

    Make sure you have strict mode in MySQL disabled, drop your schema and import your schema again, restart MySQL and see what happens, then if that doesn't work, please post your server .rpt to pastebin
  5. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    I cannot squash this bug :(

    Sounds like a database issue, can you upload a fresh server .rpt to pastebin? https://pastebin.com/ Also did you disable strict mode in the my.ini for MySQL?
  6. RCANTEC(RyanD)


    Canadian based server group company provided on privately owned servers by RYTECH. Servers designed and hand built in Canada for multiplayer performance. Currently we have several game servers, a public community Discord server as well as a dedicated in house TeamSpeak server. We custom make missions and refine them for high performance multiplayer game play and fun! We have various tailor made servers and missions for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. We support various mods and we continually update the servers and missions on a regular basis. We are open to comments and suggestions, and new players are always welcome. Stop by one of our servers today! Visit our TS3 at ts.milsim.xyz Alternatively we also have a Steam group at CANADIAN-MILSIM
  7. RCANTEC(RyanD)


  8. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    Second Server not working.

    check discord
  9. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    Exile Server and TADST

    @Exileserver is server side, clients do not need to load the mod.
  10. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    Exile Server and TADST

    All those extra steps are not necessary, Just create a new profile, fill in your info, select the @exile and @exileserver, select your additional mods, and your mission. Only the @exile with show in the A3Launcher. Simple and easy. No need to worry about renaming configs, if your going to do all your suggested steps there is no point to use tadst, it becomes redundant. ;-)
  11. RCANTEC(RyanD)


    Firstly you were offered help right away by myself, and a few others that gave you very clear and simple instructions, with links to free online resources to follow along. You responded by saying 1. you didn't want to ready anything, and 2. by telling the people who were trying help you to fuck off. Even though you were advised that your disrespectful attitude would get you kicked and or banned, I had a large amount of patience and continued to try and help you, Until the point where you were kicked off for continued disrespect towards the support staff and Admins, despite several warnings. This is the thing, myself and others are offering support for free in our spare time for love of the game and community, If you cannot follow clear instructions how can we help you? And as a side note, once people start telling people to fuck off, for no reason, the free support ends at that point.
  12. RCANTEC(RyanD)

    CADEXILE Chernarus Winter

    Canadian based server group company provided on privately owned servers by RYTECH. Servers designed and hand built in Canada for multiplayer performance. Currently we have several game servers, a public community Discord server as well as a dedicated in house TeamSpeak server. We custom make missions and refine them for high performance multiplayer game play and fun! We have various tailor made servers and missions for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. We support various mods and we continually update the servers and missions on a regular basis. We are open to comments and suggestions, and new players are always welcome. Stop by one of our servers today! Visit our TS3 at ts.milsim.xyz Alternatively we also have a Steam group at CANADIAN-MILSIM
  13. RCANTEC(RyanD)


    Canadian based server group company provided on privately owned servers by RYTECH. Servers designed and hand built in Canada for multiplayer performance. Currently we have several game servers, a public community Discord server as well as a dedicated in house TeamSpeak server. We custom make missions and refine them for high performance multiplayer game play and fun! We have various tailor made servers and missions for all skill levels, from beginner to advanced. We support various mods and we continually update the servers and missions on a regular basis. We are open to comments and suggestions, and new players are always welcome. Stop by one of our servers today! Visit our TS3 at ts.milsim.xyz Alternatively we also have a Steam group at CANADIAN-MILSIM