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Everything posted by exilerist

  1. exilerist

    how to force mods on

    Hello. Addons section should looks something like that at least. Good luck.
  2. exilerist

    Ai movement and proper directories to set them up

    Hello. I think, you have to spawn the AIs via Occupation. Good luck.
  3. exilerist

    How do i get my map markers?

    Hello. Take this. This code was fully functional a few years ago. Good luck.
  4. Hello. Sorry for inconvenience. It's not a question, but rather a solution. Maybe this bug already known, maybe don't. If you don't have enough space in your inventory, you'll do not receive full and lost empty canisters. I hope this code is right. Actually, I have bad experience with crafting breaching charges too. So all components have been removed, but the charge hasn't been added. Maybe ExileClient_util_inventory_canExchangeItems logic do not work properly all the time and ExileClient_util_playerCargo_canAdd logic should be added? Maybe it depends on 3rd party mods. I hope you'll fix this issue in the next release. Thanks for your efforts. Good luck.
  5. exilerist

    More randomness in ordinary Exile's world.

    Hello. @WolfkillArcadia Maybe this idea is worth something? Good luck.
  6. Hello there. Please add in the mod optionality for basic items. What I mean? We have Exile_Item_InstaDoc, which will heal player up to 100%. Will be great if we will have Exile_Item_InstaDoc_Random, which will heal player up to random amount from 0 to 100%. Same for canned and packed food, Raw_Meat and drinks. Exile_Item_MacasCheese_Random may feed you up to 40% or even damage down and will cause death. Only cooked food/meat/drinks can guaranty absance of any harm, but Exile_Item_DogFood_Cooked_Random will feed you up from 0% to 100%. As I can see, there are no new models needed, only configs work and additional logic in the few functions. And as always, it's up for server owner to use or don't use such functionality. Dev Team, thanks for your efforts. Good luck.
  7. exilerist

    [SOLVED] ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain.sqf

    Hello. @WolfkillArcadia I'll try to explain, sorry for my English. Good luck. Thanks for your efforts.
  8. exilerist

    [SOLVED] ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain.sqf

    Hello. @WolfkillArcadia I don't want advertise servers or mods, so I've decided to go private. I've added you in a private conversation. Have you received a PM? Good luck.
  9. exilerist

    [SOLVED] ExileClient_object_vehicle_drain.sqf

    Hello. I can't help financially, so though I will help finding bugs. :-) Good luck.
  10. exilerist

    [Solved]Auto refuel

    Hello. So, you have this set to true? And have all your gas stations classes listed here? Good luck.
  11. exilerist

    [Solved]Auto refuel

    Hello! Look at this. Good luck.
  12. exilerist

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hello. Here you go. Good luck.
  13. exilerist

    Не работает Авто запуск

    Hello. Try this. Good luck.
  14. exilerist

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    There are 2 ways, as I know. If your mission load buildings from external file like this. You can change this file in this way, but you should be aware about performance impact, if you have a lot of objects. Another way is to convert "object" files into "M3E_3DEN" format. In this format you can issue simulation directive for the objects separately. In this case you have to change mission file. Should be another ways, do some search. ;-) Good luck.
  15. exilerist

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hello! Here it is. Good luck.
  16. exilerist

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hello! @MGTDB Thanks for this fix. What was the root cause? I diffed files a little and did not notice serious changes. Could you please explain in more simple manner for dummies, please. :-) Thanks in advance.
  17. exilerist

    Тепловизор на технике

    Hello there. Try this. Good luck.
  18. Hello there. Just use search next time. Good luck.
  19. exilerist

    Isla Duala

    Hello there. Try to fix startup string, should be like this. You have problem with SQL server or DB itself. Check your extdb-conf.ini. Good luck.
  20. exilerist

    Isla Duala

    Hello there. If you do want missions to be spawned on the whole map, you have to leave the isladuala3_config.cfg as it is. If you do want missions to be spawned only on the main island, you have to increase numbers. Loot spawns based on building classes. Here you can see building with military loot. Most buildings on the Isla Duala should spawn loot. Good luck.
  21. exilerist

    Спавн техники

    Hello there. These vehicles are for spawn zones. Change quantity to zero in config.cpp of the exile_server_config.pbo. Or you can edit ExileServer_world_initialize.sqf in the exile_server.pbo. Good luck.
  22. exilerist

    Спавн техники

    Hello there. 2 ways. You can try to edit config.cpp in the exile_server_config.pbo. Or you can edit ExileServer_world_initialize.sqf in the exile_server.pbo. Good luck.
  23. exilerist

    Isla Duala

    Hello there. You can use Panthera one config for DMS engine. Name you your config like isladuala3_config.cfg and land it the map_configs folder. Another one thing I've found later. There is a file $PREFIX$ in the root of your mission folder/file. Should be Exile.IslaDuala3 string in there, instead of Exile.Malden. If you want to run 2 servers, the best practice is to copy your actual server folder into another one. Copy @ExileServer into @ExileServerTest and make all your changes in there. Create new SQL-base for tests and put her name into extdb-conf.ini of @ExileServerTest. Run your second server with: "-servermod=@ExileServerTest;@a3_dms;" "-mod=@Exile;" -config=@ExileServerTest\config.cfg -cfg=@ExileServerTest\basic.cfg -profiles=@ExileServerTest "-name=@ExileServerTest" on another IP-port. Good luck.
  24. exilerist

    Isla Duala

    Hello there. Not tested, but should work, I think. Definitely, point you can start from. Good luck.