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Everything posted by Mike-Lee-Toris

  1. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Donation Link in XM8 Apps

    If i try to set a donation link all i get is an empty page: XM8 app_defines.hpp class customapp_10 { submenu = 1; toggleable = 0; text = "Spenden"; tooltip = "Spenden für den Server"; fnc = "call apps_fnc_donate;"; pic = "\exile_assets\texture\item\Exile_Item_XmasPresent.paa"; fn_donate.sqf disableSerialization; ["server", 0] call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide; _display = uiNamespace getVariable ["RscExileXM8", displayNull]; (_display displayCtrl 4004) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText '<t align="center" font="RobotoMedium">Spenden</t>'; (_display displayCtrl 4091) ctrlShow false; if(isNil "HTML_LOAD_URL_DONATE")then{HTML_LOAD_URL_DONATE = "https://server.nitrado.net/donations/donate/1232996";}; (_display displayCtrl 4092) htmlLoad HTML_LOAD_URL_DONATE; ESC-Menu EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.hpp /* What ESCAPE Menu shows */ ESCMNUTOP = "AntiHack & AdminTools"; ESCMNUBOT = "by infiSTAR.de"; BRIEFING_MSG = "false"; HTML_LOAD_URL = "https://server.nitrado.net/donations/donate/1232996"; ENABLE_PRIVATE_CHAT_MENU = "true";PRIVATE_CHAT_MENU_8GNETWORK = "false"; Tryed to replace the Link whit this one: if(isNil "HTML_LOAD_URL_DONATE")then{HTML_LOAD_URL_DONATE = "https://server.nitrado.net/donations/donate/1232996";}; HTML_LOAD_URL = "https://spielplatz.111mb.de/Spenden.html"; dosent make a change Where is my mistake?
  2. Mike-Lee-Toris

    [Updated] R3F Logistics Exile (with CUP)

    This dosent work for me... This post means the same : Fixing R3F son you cant tow/lift locked vehicles If i try this i cant lock / unlock vehicels anymore. Can someone pleas tell me how not to tow / lift locked vehicles?
  3. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Fixing R3F so you can't tow/lift locked vehicles.

    Same Here
  4. Mike-Lee-Toris

    [Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23

    Hey Guys, I have a problem with roaming AI on Cernarus_summer. SC_occupyVehicle is spawnig, but SC_occupySky, SC_occupySea and SC_occupyMilitary is not. Hope you can help me. a3_exile_occupation/config.sqf :
  5. Mike-Lee-Toris

    [scarCODE] Server Info Menu

    Did you just paste the code from Jeffry to the end of ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_apps_onOpen? or did you change something in ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_server_onOpen to?
  6. Mike-Lee-Toris

    [XM8 App] Personal Base Location Markers

    I have the same Problem. If i click on Base Markers Button, i get an empty screen. What i did: made an .sqf called fn_basemarker.sqf /* XM8 App Base Location Markers Name: basemarker.sqf Created by Lunchbox for use with Exile mod for Arma 3. Copyright 2016, Lunchbox, All rights reserved. Shows the locations of the bases you have rights to. */ disableSerialization; _display = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileXM8", displayNull]; _xm8Controls = [991,881,992,882,993,883,994,884,995,885,996,886,997,887,998,888,999,889,9910,8810,9911,8811,9912,8812]; { _fade = _display displayCtrl _x; _fade ctrlSetFade 1; _fade ctrlCommit 0.5; } forEach _xm8Controls; { ctrlDelete ((findDisplay 24015) displayCtrl _x); } forEach _xm8Controls; (_display displayCtrl 4004) ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText (format ["<t align='center' font='RobotoMedium'>Base Markers</t>"])); // Buttons and text. _OnBtn = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButtonMenu", 15002]; _OnBtn ctrlSetPosition [(32 - 20) * (0.025),(20 - 10) * (0.04),6 * (0.025),1 * (0.04)]; _OnBtn ctrlCommit 0; _OnBtn ctrlSetText "On"; _OnBtn ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "call fnc_markerOn"]; _OffBtn = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButtonMenu", 15003]; _OffBtn ctrlSetPosition [(32 - 10) * (0.025),(20 - 10) * (0.04),6 * (0.025),1 * (0.04)]; _OffBtn ctrlCommit 0; _OffBtn ctrlSetText "Off"; _OffBtn ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "call fnc_markerOff"]; _BackBtn = _display ctrlCreate ["RscButtonMenu", 15004]; _BackBtn ctrlSetPosition [(32 - 3) * (0.025),(20 - 2) * (0.04),6 * (0.025),1 * (0.04)]; _BackBtn ctrlCommit 0; _BackBtn ctrlSetText "Go Back"; _BackBtn ctrlSetEventHandler ["ButtonClick", "call fnc_Back"]; _Instruction = _display ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", 15005]; _Instruction ctrlSetPosition [(5.8 - 3) * (0.025), (20 - 12) * (0.04), 7.2 * (0.12), 3.75 * (0.02)]; _Instruction ctrlCommit 0; _Instruction ctrlSetStructuredText parseText "<t size='1' align='center'>Toggle your base markers (Only viewable by you):</t>"; // Functions fnc_Back = { _display = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileXM8", displayNull]; _vdCtrls = [15002,15003,15004,15005]; { _ctrl = (_display displayCtrl _x); _ctrl ctrlSetFade 1; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0.25; ctrlEnable [_x, false]; } forEach _vdCtrls; execVM "xm8Apps\XM8Apps_Init.sqf"; Sleep 1; { ctrlDelete ((findDisplay 24015) displayCtrl _x); } forEach _vdCtrls; }; fnc_markerOn = { _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; { _flag = _x; _buildRights = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", []]; if (_playerUID in _buildRights) then { _name = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritoryName", ""]; _pos = getPos _flag; _marker = createMarkerLocal [_name, _pos]; _marker setMarkerTextLocal _name; _marker setMarkerTypeLocal "mil_flag"; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorYellow" }; } forEach (allMissionObjects "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"); (findDisplay 24015) closeDisplay 0; ["Success",["Base Markers toggled on."]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; }; fnc_markerOff = { _playerUID = getPlayerUID player; { _flag = _x; _buildRights = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritoryBuildRights", []]; if (_playerUID in _buildRights) then { _name = _flag getVariable ["ExileTerritoryName", ""]; _pos = getPos _flag; deleteMarkerLocal _name; }; } forEach (allMissionObjects "Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"); (findDisplay 24015) closeDisplay 0; ["Whoops",["Base Markers toggled off."]] call ExileClient_gui_notification_event_addNotification; }; put the file in @ExileServer\addons\a3_infiSTAR_Exile_customApps\apps This is from my app_defines.hpp: class customapp_7 { submenu = 1; toggleable = 0; text = "Base Markers"; tooltip = "Zeigt dir deine Basen auf der Map an."; fnc = "call apps_fnc_basemarker;"; pic = "\exile_assets\texture\ui\xm8_app_territory_ca.paa"; };
  7. Mike-Lee-Toris

    ExAd Setup Issues

    Delet the marked lines:
  8. Mike-Lee-Toris

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

  9. Mike-Lee-Toris

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    I have installed this, but i cant get i to work. When i request an airdrop i get the message that its comming in 90sec. But n money is taken from me an no airdrop is comming. I added this : to fn_startAirdrop.sqf. I changed this : in a3_dms/config.sqf I added this : to CfgRemoteExec.hpp. In my server.rpt is this error:
  10. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Radiation not working?

    I tried to get a Radiation Zone on Malden. But it wont work. The marker on the map is ok, but there is no radiation. config.cpp class Radiation { // 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled enable = 1; }; mission.sqm class Item1 { dataType = "Marker"; //position[] = {10648.3, 0, 4004.92}; position[] = {966.4, 0, 12186.1}; name = "ExileMarker1"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorRed"; fillName = "SolidBorder"; a = 1638.61; b = 1638.61; drawBorder = 1; id = 101; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item2 { dataType = "Marker"; //position[] = {10648.3, 0, 4004.92}; position[] = {966.4, 0, 12186.1}; name = "ExileMarker2"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 102; atlOffset = 0; };
  11. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Adding zombies

    You need to install a zombie mod like zombies and demons and a zombie spawner like exilz
  12. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Infistar für Exile

    Was den für errors? Hast du die anleitung schritt für schritt befolgt?
  13. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Server already exists

    Die hab ich gleich den tag noch gelöscht. Ich wollte eine schreiben nach 2 3 tagen mit der app. Wenn die doch noch da ist sag nochmal bescheid.
  14. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Server already exists

    Besten Dank. funktioniert alles
  15. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Server already exists

    @Eichi deutsch is einfacher für mich. Reicht n bild aus dem webinterface von nitrado?
  16. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Server already exists

    nobody here anymore???
  17. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Server already exists

    same for me Query 2303 *push*
  18. Mike-Lee-Toris

    Server already exists

    same for me Query 2303