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Everything posted by airbats801

  1. I followed 2 different install guides for exile, made a database in mysql. Basically im at the point where if I dont put my mp missions from the server into the main arma3 directory, it will start, I can login but there is no missions, so I cant do anything. As soon as I put the mp missions in there, ie tanoa, the server goes into a endless loop and I have to kill it I really have no idea. I've reinstalled 4 times tonight, and tried different things. I also cant seem to get the server to log. might be because I have to ctrl c to stop it from the loop
  2. airbats801

    adding random spawned arma 3 vehicles to exile

    actually just delete this mods, I realized I had put a original backup of my server config pbo in my server addons directory with my edited server config and it was basically running vanilla over my modded file lol.
  3. Can someone move this to the Exile Mod Customization/ Content/ Vehicles I accidentally posted this in the wrong section. I have a private server that I wanted to spice up a little for a few of my friends. I wanted to add a few armored vehicles from arma 3 to randomly spawn on the server. So far, I have not been able to get this to work. I'm running linux centos 7 dedicated. My server config I also added the vehicles to the mission pbo twice. So what else do I need to do to get these vehicles to spawn randomly on the server? Thanks for your help
  4. alright guys, problem solved, found a thread mentioning to check and see if I have everything needed. mail arma3]# ldd => (0xf76f2000) => not found => /lib/ (0xf6bab000) => /lib/ (0xf6b68000) => /lib/ (0xf6b4d000) => /lib/ (0xf698e000) /lib/ (0xf76f3000) so I @mail arma3]# yum install started my server backup, and boom magic time. Thanks for all the help and tutorials you guys are putting out there for us linux virgins trying to work a server.
  5. Well, I realized the problem was I had renamed @ExileServer @exileserver and @Exile to @exile as I knew linux was case sensitive, that was screwing me, so I renamed them back to the capital letter versions. Now I am struggling with extdb and connecting to the database. Been trying all kinds of stuff. Am I missing a step after creating a completely new database under ssh in mysql? my current error. This is what I get after I join the server. It will just spawn me into the ground, but im guessing its because of database connectivity problems. my extdb-conf.ini settings [exile] Type = MySQL Name = exile Username = exile Password = xxxxxx IP = Port = 3306 minSessions = 2 idleTime = 60 exile is the database name and user name for the database
  6. I'll try and post the sqm later, but its just the exile missions that come with the latest server release, nothing edited. I figured it should at least start with those without editing, talking to my friend running some windows versions. I pretty much used this to setup my database, and install minus some of his lib stuff for debian
  7. Below is a log from my ssh session. I moved basic and config to the main arma3 dir. frankly I had the same errors either way. current start script ./arma3server -cfg=basic.cfg -config=config.cfg -autoInit -profiles=@Profiles -name=server -ranking=plyrs.log -cpuCount=4 -mod=@Exile -servermod=@ExileServer