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Everything posted by darasta90

  1. Good day, So i have installed the A3XAI mod into my server and its working just fine except for one thing, the roaming vehicles, there seems to be some of them parking accross the map doing nothing but staying in there car, even if you start shooting at them, sometimes they seems mutain and sometimes they actually dies, but no other reaction at all, im not sure what is the problem, maybe its interfere with other mods i have ? I have also installed ( ZCP - CUP - DMS- Occupation ) all working fine. I have made changes to the Config. files of the a3xai mod, it was ( by defult ) disabling the roaming vehicles, so i changed that and enabled it, also i increased the amount of the roaming cars to 100 active car, i dont know if thats too much, maybe its the reason why they act stupid ? Please not that my scripting and coding skills is way under low, so yeah im a big noob here