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About SombreFou

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  1. SombreFou

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    Hello, I have a huge problem to add vehicles. The weapons and equipment are all OK but the vehicles can not be bought because when I want to buy, get the error '13'. I tried various solutions on the forum but none worked. I believe I need GOD to save me from this mistake;) If you're here GOD, I need you, I know you can help me. More seriously, I tested the vehicles Mas as well as the vehicles Cup. Error '13'. FMP and original vehicles work perfectly. Help me please .. I would pass all the files that will be asked to me (except my credit card ^^).
  2. SombreFou

    ExileZ 2

    Yes, I have it, it is well added to the list of mods in the launch command. My other mods work perfectly.
  3. SombreFou

    ExileZ 2

    Hello, I followed the tutorial to the letter and I can not get it to work. The server starts normally but there are no zombies in the game. Zones are there but no zombie. I'm on a dedicated linux. I have already run smoothly on another windows server in the past. I need help. My console tells me I hope someone can help me use this fabulous mod / addon that I like a lot.
  4. SombreFou

    Call extension 'extDB2' could not be loaded

    i have same problem but i use linux. Any help ?
  5. SombreFou

    extDB could not be loaded

    Hello, I have a problem running my server with Exile. Attached are the console logs. I am on a dedicated server Linux and I installed Arma3 with LGSM because I am a beginner and it worked perfectly for the vanilla mode. Now I add @ExileServer + @Exile (client) to the serverfile folder and I do a nano arma3server to add in mod: @Exile and in serverside: @ExileServer I created the database and I load the .sql without error apparently. Then I run the server with the command ./arma3server start. And when I join the server, I'm stuck on the grass view and nothing happens. The console shows these errors ::::> There are no logs in the extDB / logs folder. it's empty. I reinstalled several times with several different methods but I still get the same problem ... I'm really tired.
  6. I have exactly the same problem as you. I do not understand how you solved. can you help me ?
  7. I finally managed to repair the error, the server starts again normally. Now I have installed the statbar as well as XM8 but when I connect to the server, it does not appear down or the options of the tablet. I get a message [resource title exad_statbar not found] Logs file
  8. Ok I forgot to put some files. The server starts but the mission is broken, I guess there is a problem in the description.ex? DESCRIPTION.EX
  9. I do not understand why. My server is freshly installed exile vanilla. I wanted to install CORE and nothing else for now.
  10. Hello, I have a problem installing core. When I complete the description.ex file, my server can no longer start. Unfortunately my research did not allow me to find the cause of the problem. Here is the contents of description.ex Please excuse me for my poor English.
  11. Bonjour, Je suis à la recherche d'une personne pouvant m'expliquer les bases d'une installation propre d'un serveur Exile sur un dédié Linux. Jusqu'à présent j'arrive uniquement à installer Arma3 Vanilla via LGSM mais les Tutos que je trouve pour installer Exile ou des mods sont prévus pour des version SteamCMD... En bref je suis perdu. De plus, depuis l DLC JET, le serveur ne se lance plus à cause d'un fichier qu'il faut changer de dossier... encore de la bidouille. Je suis prêt à remercier par un p'tit sou ou autre la personne qui saura m'expliquer : comment installer le serveur Arma3-Exile proprement sur Linux ainsi que la façon d'installer les mods. Dans l'immédiat, mon souhait et d'avoir un mode DMS pour avoir des missions qui tournent un peu partout sur la carte Tanoa ainsi que les ZCP. Des Zombies, des patrouilles de pnj qui patrouillent un peu partout sur la carte sans forcément être affichés sur la map. C'est là base de ce que je souhaite mettre en place. Le but étant d'avoir un serveur solide et pérennisé. Je réserve bien sûr une place d'admin à la personne qui m'apprendra tout ceci si elle le souhaite. Merci de ne pas m'envoyer sur des tutos qu'on peut trouver sur google, aucun ne m'a réussit. Je recherche vraiment de l'aide par vocal afin d'être certain de comprendre toues les étapes et non de recopier bêtement les étapes d'un tuto sans savoir ce que je fais. Cordialement, Sombrefou.