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Everything posted by Kugane

  1. I made a restart script for the Exile Mod internal restart function. It looks into your logfile & if it found the "Exile Server: "SERVER READY FOR RESTART!!!" then, it move your old logfile in a new folder sorted by YEAR/MONTH/DAY & rename the old logfile to log_HOUR/MINUTE. Tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS x64 crontab for automation */1 * * * * sh /home/steam/arma3restart.sh here is a pastebin link for easy copy [Linux] Restart Script for ExileMod I use it with LGSM arma3server: ARMA 3 Linux Server Manger edit in "arma3server" (from LGSM the line 57 ./arma3server >>${systemdir}/logs/log.rpt 2>&1 If you have any questions, ask me!
  2. Kugane

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    try to change "IL_CDamage" to 0 & test again
  3. Kugane

    [Linux] Restart Script for ExileMod

    yeah, tmux cant grab the log for the console, if you use this, but maybe with this it works. try to add -debug to your startparameters.
  4. Kugane

    [Linux] Restart Script for ExileMod

    @DeeJay86 in your startscript, default is arma3server in the newest file from github it's line 86 executable="./arma3server" change it to ./arma3server >>${systemdir}/logs/log.rpt 2>&1 & you should get RPT-files in your armaserver home directory, if not create the folder "logs/" @ /home/USER/logs/
  5. it should, but i didnt test it. but the original lgsm works on debian8 & i only add a few things for exile & removed all things that you don't need for exile or arma
  6. Hi after the new hotfix update my server wont start & loop only steps I made to fix it Run the upgrade SQL script Replace extDB2.dll / extDB2.so on linux Merge extdb-conf.ini Replace exile.ini Database wipe & created a new one ExtDB2 log rpt log
  7. Kugane


    nope. his one is to old & bad... use the vishera, but i would it [email protected] to work properly
  8. is there any option that we can log playerkills or what killed a vehicle?
  9. Kugane


    eigtl. nichts, da der vac ban nur für das jeweilige spiel zählt ausser sie machen es wie red orchestra 2 & lassen leute mit einem vac ban in "hello kitty online" nicht mehr ro2 spielen ...
  10. dont use the same steam account on the server, create a new one for it...
  11. Kugane

    Leute verstehen nicht das mods auf dem Server sind und werden gekickt?!

    versuch das mal, hab es selbst noch nicht getestet http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/5257-icetimeds-mod-missing-warning-at-spawn-screen/
  12. Look at this https://github.com/midgetgrimm/ExileMod-1P-3P-CameraSwitchMonitor Maybe it helps you
  13. Kugane

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    the price is for 1 mag, ghosthawk have more mags, then a pawnee
  14. Kugane

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    hi i got everytime on startup this error in my rpt 17:03:15 Error in expression <agClass, _ammoCount, _turretPath]; }; } forEach _savedMagazines;> 17:03:15 Error position: <forEach _savedMagazines;> 17:03:15 Error foreach: Type String, expected Array 17:03:15 File AVS\code\fn_loadAmmo.sqf, line 57i have tested it with the default configuration from you, but it doesn't work at all any suggestion? #edit: found it it was a new vehicle with a empty value in the "ammo" i added the [] part & it works
  15. Kugane

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    these works for me !=")} do {\n_posV = getPos _v;\n_smoke1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;\n_smoke1 attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"engine_effect"
  16. Kugane

    Fahrzeug unlock

    Nope, da istn blackscreen & nen scrollmenü... Wenn du deinen Frage verständlich stellst, wirste auch ne richtige Antwort von mir bekommen P.s. reports incoming?...
  17. Kugane

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    havent problems on my server, but i have changed a few database settings
  18. Kugane

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I love dms, but a killstreak multiplier would be cool. @READTHESCROLL http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/404556234639778816/B2C6C0E9134BB537BFCA45163E7C08D3341FF12F/
  19. Kugane

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    yes. no problem to setup easy as without it Scripts.txt add to line #50 !="mpmissions\__CUR_MP.Altis\init.sqf"\n[] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf";"to line #33 !="il _t or !isNil _s) then\n{\n_at = if (!isNil _t) then { call compile _t } else { "" };\n_as = if (!isNil _s) then { call compile _"to line #43 !="sASL getPosASL _cargo;\n\nif (IL_CDamage == 0) then\n{\n_cargo setDamage 0;\n};\nif (IL_CDamage == 1) then\n{\n_cargo setDamage _damage;"to line #54 !="((_this select 1) select 1);\n};\n};\n"IL_SetScore" addPublicVariableEventHandler IL_Server_AddScore;\n\nIL_Score =\n{\nprivate ["_obj""to line #48 !="Exile_Unit_Player","LandVehicle","Ship","Air"], 300];\n{\nif (isPlayer _x) then {\n(owner _x) publicVariableClient "IL_Server_Clien"to line #49 !=" select 1;\n_nearBy = (getPosATL _heli) nearEntities [["Exile_Unit_Player","LandVehicle","Ship","Air"], 300];\n{\nif (isPlayer _x) " to publicvariable.txt replace line #2 with this 7 " "!="IL_"
  20. Kugane

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    custom key 1 in your control settings...
  21. Kugane

    Support / Hilfe bei SLB2k11 Releases

    der aufruf [] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf";gehört in die init.sqf & nicht initplayerlocal.sqf... dann sollte es auch gehen
  22. Kugane

    Helicopters explode when bought

    havent problems with the anti teleport used the latest version? i use v0.848
  23. Kugane

    VAC Bans

    search in exile_ahat_config.sqf /* if steam api.steampowered.com is working, this might be a nice feature */ _check_steam_ban = false; /* will announce and log steambanned players - using GetPlayerBans v1 */ _ban_for_steam_ban = false; /* if "_check_steam_ban = true;" then steambanned players will get banned from your Arma server! */
  24. Kugane

    Mission Name

    Einfach den Namen ändern & als pbo packen Aber nicht vergessen den neuen missionname in der config.cfg einzutragen