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About Kugane

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  1. Kugane

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    try to change "IL_CDamage" to 0 & test again
  2. Kugane

    [Linux] Restart Script for ExileMod

    yeah, tmux cant grab the log for the console, if you use this, but maybe with this it works. try to add -debug to your startparameters.
  3. Kugane

    [Linux] Restart Script for ExileMod

    @DeeJay86 in your startscript, default is arma3server in the newest file from github it's line 86 executable="./arma3server" change it to ./arma3server >>${systemdir}/logs/log.rpt 2>&1 & you should get RPT-files in your armaserver home directory, if not create the folder "logs/" @ /home/USER/logs/
  4. it should, but i didnt test it. but the original lgsm works on debian8 & i only add a few things for exile & removed all things that you don't need for exile or arma
  5. Hi after the new hotfix update my server wont start & loop only steps I made to fix it Run the upgrade SQL script Replace extDB2.dll / extDB2.so on linux Merge extdb-conf.ini Replace exile.ini Database wipe & created a new one ExtDB2 log rpt log
  6. Kugane


    nope. his one is to old & bad... use the vishera, but i would it [email protected] to work properly
  7. is there any option that we can log playerkills or what killed a vehicle?
  8. Kugane


    eigtl. nichts, da der vac ban nur für das jeweilige spiel zählt ausser sie machen es wie red orchestra 2 & lassen leute mit einem vac ban in "hello kitty online" nicht mehr ro2 spielen ...
  9. dont use the same steam account on the server, create a new one for it...
  10. Kugane

    Leute verstehen nicht das mods auf dem Server sind und werden gekickt?!

    versuch das mal, hab es selbst noch nicht getestet http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/5257-icetimeds-mod-missing-warning-at-spawn-screen/
  11. Look at this https://github.com/midgetgrimm/ExileMod-1P-3P-CameraSwitchMonitor Maybe it helps you
  12. Kugane

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    the price is for 1 mag, ghosthawk have more mags, then a pawnee
  13. Kugane

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    hi i got everytime on startup this error in my rpt 17:03:15 Error in expression <agClass, _ammoCount, _turretPath]; }; } forEach _savedMagazines;> 17:03:15 Error position: <forEach _savedMagazines;> 17:03:15 Error foreach: Type String, expected Array 17:03:15 File AVS\code\fn_loadAmmo.sqf, line 57i have tested it with the default configuration from you, but it doesn't work at all any suggestion? #edit: found it it was a new vehicle with a empty value in the "ammo" i added the [] part & it works
  14. Kugane

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    these works for me !=")} do {\n_posV = getPos _v;\n_smoke1 = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;\n_smoke1 attachTo [_v,[0,0,0],"engine_effect"