Ethan Bradberry

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About Ethan Bradberry

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  1. Ethan Bradberry

    list for hackers

    how about a special list where only server owners of decent community not a "2/10 people on the server playing right now" community because if we ban someone from our community for hacking (hack that doesn't get detected by infistar and battleye) they could easily go to other servers and screw their day up aswell and if the person get caught they could paste the battlemetrics link or steamlink or whatever in there so if someone is being attacked by a hacker they could come to this site, check the list and if that person is on the server and they see he's hacking it'll make it alot easier for all of us.
  2. Ethan Bradberry

    PNG Exile Chernarus

    i've been playing on this server for ages and there were certain admins who abused but they got removed from the admin team, i've had a situation with [PNG]KimJongUne i tought he had ESP on but he showed me a video he was in a drone and spotting us liek that so amazing server!!! 10/10