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  1. CHERNARUS TRADERS & SAFE ZONES Welcome, since I have seen people looking around for Traders to add to their maps and servers, I have decided to take on the job and create some for the community. I might add Traders and Safe zones on other maps as well but for now it is only Chernarus. I will not be taking requests by anybody, I do these edits for fun only and think the community deserves to use them as they see fit. ANIMATIONS FOR YOUR TRADERS: These are just some animations I have for traders or any other unit, feel free to share more. CHERNARUS: NWAF TRADER CITY SCREENSHOTS: SCRIPT: Do NOT replace these with your actual files, simply open them and add the corresponding lines. InitServer.sqf (IN SOME CASES YOU MIGHT NEED TO ALSO ADD LINES INTO THE Simple Objects SECTION OF YOUR FILE) (In this case you don't). InitPlayerlocal.sqf (To give a trader a certain animation simply put it in between the "[]" after each trader. eg = ["Exile_Guard_02", [] <------ INSERT ANIMATION HERE) eg2 = ["Exile_Guard_02", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling1"] Mission.sqm (Markers & Zones). (These go all the way down inside your mission.sqm) note: You need to add the number of markers you have on this line: }; class Entities { items=9; <---------- items=11; <----NEW (SINCE YOU ARE ADDING THE TRADER ICON AND THE SAFE ZONE YOU NEED TO ADD 2 MORE MARKERS) class Item0 { CHERNARUS: KLEN TRADER CITY SCREENSHOTS: SCRIPT: Do NOT replace these with your actual files, simply open them and add the corresponding lines. InitServer.sqf (IN SOME CASES YOU MIGHT NEED TO ALSO ADD LINES INTO THE Simple Objects SECTION OF YOUR FILE) (In this case you don't). InitPlayerlocal.sqf (To give a trader a certain animation simply put it in between the "[]" after each trader. eg = ["Exile_Guard_02", [] <------ INSERT ANIMATION HERE) eg2 = ["Exile_Guard_02", ["InBaseMoves_patrolling1"] Mission.sqm (Markers & Zones). (These go all the way down inside your mission.sqm) note: You need to add the number of markers you have on this line: }; class Entities { items=9; <---------- items=11; <----NEW (SINCE YOU ARE ADDING THE TRADER ICON AND THE SAFE ZONE YOU NEED TO ADD 2 MORE MARKERS) class Item0 { Thank you for reading, feel free to share this post anywhere you like, I will be adding more TRADER CITIES in the future to this post, also i will add some to other maps as well.
  2. Zentarix

    M3Editor - 3DEN Edition

  3. Hello, I am having a problem getting my traders to spawn, I have made 1 trader city and they work perfectly, then i went to create another trader city but the npcs won't spawn, if anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. The BOLD lines of code are the new traders. Thanks. EDIT: I checked my other trader city and it's not there either. EDIT 2: Added "Exile_Trader_Food", "Exile_Trader_Hardware", "Exile_Trader_Armory", etc... and still no traders anywhere on the map, can anyone please help me out?
  4. Hello everyone, I ran into a problem, and it is that after installing Extended Base Mod and log in to check the results, i see only blank spaces with prices whenever I open the ExtendedBaseMod tab, I have done the installation twice and the problem persists. could anyone help me out with this? Thanks,
  5. Zentarix

    [SOLVED] [SOLVED]InfiSTAR won't load ingame

    Ok so i have packed a3_infiSTAR_Exile.pbo again from scratch but its still the same, the Menu won't load once I am ingame
  6. Zentarix

    [SOLVED] [SOLVED]InfiSTAR won't load ingame

    Hi, thanks for the response and sorry i don't know how to use the spoiler tags yet. I have checked both files and they a correctly set with the proper password and still nothing, i initiate server but when i am in it just won't load up.
  7. Zentarix

    [SOLVED] [SOLVED]InfiSTAR won't load ingame

    This is the latest .rpt I have.
  8. Hello, as the title suggests I am having trouble starting infiSTAR in the server, I have istalled everything correctly (or atleast I think I did) and when I start up my server and connect, I proceed to login as admin but nothing shows up, everything works except that the infiSTAR menu doesn't show up when i press F1. if anyone could help me fix this, it would be much appreciated. Thanks,