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  1. NWO_NOX

    RPT Error

    what script is running or trying to run prior to this error ?
  2. NWO_NOX

    Base doors won't open

    assuming its x64 server? if so, are you using this simulation overwrite? https://github.com/BrettNordin/Exile/tree/master/NoDynamicSimEdits I recall having the same issues and switched back to exile simulation and it fixed the problem for me. I know this is for vehicles but it may also apply to the problems your having.
  3. NWO_NOX

    Unable to Connect after Latest InfiStar Update

    you guys dont keep a copy of your previous infistar.pbo / mission file?
  4. NWO_NOX

    Unable to Connect after Latest InfiStar Update

    I did the same and had to rollback my infistar until I can test it better on my servers. This shit is kicking you off.. 15:04:32 "<infiSTAR.de>HACKLOG| wetNreckless(76561198131908082) | HackAction on player: holdAction detected! | 0h 11min 56s [13-12-2017 23-36-53 - v88] [13-12-2017 23-36-53 - v88]"15:04:32 "<infiSTAR.de>KICKLOG| wetNreckless(76561198131908082) isAdmin? true: HLOG_SKICK: wetNreckless(76561198131908082) | HackAction on player: holdAction detected! | 0h 11min 56s [13-12-2017 23-36-53 - v88] [13-12-2017 23-36-53 - v88]"15:04:32 Successfull attempt to execute serverCommand '#kick 25' by server.15:04:32 NetServer: cannot find channel #1552322229, users.card=015:04:32 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1552322229 (wetNreckless) Try turning this off in the config @ line 692 until one of the guru's chime in.. BlockHoldActions = "true"; /* STRONGLY recommended! */
  5. NWO_NOX

    Radio chatter for Exile Occupation, like A3XAI

    Anyone find a way to do this?
  6. NWO_NOX

    Exile Scavenge Framework - 0.7 BETA (23.10.2017)

    I think i just soiled myself. in a good way
  7. NWO_NOX

    freeze when trying to enter spawned vehicle

    ..are you running x86 or x64 bit server? I'm running x64 and if you follow the extdb3 setup properly you have an option to run the dynamic simulation overwrite or the standard exile one. Switching to the standard exile simulation overwrite worked for me. if you are running x86 still then maybe someone else could be so kind enough to help.. Take a look back through the beginning of the thread where @kuplionmentions this. I seem to find myself in a better situation when I just do what he suggests... Welcome to Exile server hosting.. 9.9/10 someone else has encountered your issue already and luckily we have folks willing to lend a helping hand.
  8. NWO_NOX

    freeze when trying to enter spawned vehicle

    Depends, are you using extdb2 or extdb3?
  9. NWO_NOX

    [Solved]Extended items Exile update problem

    Anyone confirmed this works???
  10. NWO_NOX

    [release] Safe lock picking

    Couple issues I'm having. 1. No animation when hacking the safe.. I understand its "Cosmetic" just making the mention of it 2. After I attempt a "hack" I cant do it again. its as if it can only be used once.. I've followed the OP's instructions and @LordRampantHump's inputs to the script setup.. Any help is appreciated. Running this in debug each time the autolockpicker is used allows multiple use... [] execVM "Init_AutoLockPicker.sqf";
  11. NWO_NOX

    freeze when trying to enter spawned vehicle

    I switched from using dynamic simulation to exile simulation and it fixed this issue for me.
  12. NWO_NOX

    [NWO] Hardcore Exile Chernarus

    By far the best server I've ever owned. Lets see if we can bring back the survival challenge that brought us to Exile in the first place..
  13. NWO_NOX

    How to setup / use Battleye RCON

    Just want to add for those who updated to x64 servers.. rename your beserver.cfg to beserver_x64.cfg and make sure it is in the same folder as your beserver_x64.dll hope this helps someone
  14. NWO_NOX

    Extended Base Mod

    I was able to get it to work. MrSanchez's key for the headlamp and yours dont get along. Tried with only EBM and MrSanchez running and it still didnt work. Imagine that... DP and EBM not working together.. Oh well, thanks.
  15. NWO_NOX

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System
