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Everything posted by graylyn

  1. Please note that this is a hardcore mission that rewards an AH1 With AA, AT, dumbfire rockets, and the gun enabled. Along with 350k poptabs and various items from DMS reward boxes. You need to adjust these if you feel that it is too much. The AH1 also spawns without a lock, you can make it so it has a pincode, but you can edit it to do so. P Much this is for people who just want a hard mission with a 350k reward (can be adjusted in the mission file. THIS ONLY WAS DESIGNED FOR CHERNARUS SUMMER, AUTUMN, AND WINTER! ALSO CUP WEAPONS UNITS AND VEHICLES REQUIRED! This is pretty much drag and drop unless you want to change the rewards. You will have to extract the a3_dms.pbo and then edit the SkalistyMission file. To install: 1. unpack your DMS pbo 2. Place the SkalistyMisison file in missions/static folder inside of the unpacked PBO 3. Place the SkalistyBase file in objects/static folder inside of the unpacked PBO 4. Open the DMS config.sqf and add SkalisyBase and SkalistyMission so it can be loaded onto the server like so: 5. Repack DMS PBO and you should be good to go! Link to files: SalistyMission.7z If you need help, I will try to help below, if any issues arise, it should be really issues from incorrect installation, or, you forgot a comma somewhere in the arrays when adding this mission to the DMS config.
  2. /** * Created with Exile Mod 3DEN Plugin * */ ExileRouletteChairs = []; ExileRouletteChairPositions = []; // 33 Vehicles private _vehicles = [ ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F", [7373,1316.12,90.605], [0.961016, 0.276494, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No1_F", [7516.79, 1378.02, 36.7513], [0.359671, -0.933079, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No2_F", [7526.02, 1339.63, 36.7525], [-0.413855, 0.910343, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No3_F", [7284.66, 1306.16, 36.7382], [-0.947976, -0.318341, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_No4_F", [7320.47, 1267.49, 36.7831], [0.278843, -0.960337, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", [7407.1, 1345.39, 24.2161], [0.1256, 0.992081, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", [7417.77, 1346.8, 24.1239], [0.1256, 0.992081, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", [7428.42, 1347.87, 24.0324], [0.1256, 0.992081, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", [7438.96, 1349.84, 23.9559], [0.1256, 0.992081, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", [7407.71, 1358.59, 24.3326], [0.1256, 0.992081, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", [7417.96, 1359.63, 24.2278], [0.1256, 0.992081, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", [7428.92, 1360.85, 24.1229], [0.1256, 0.992081, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_House_V1_F", [7438.82, 1362.95, 24.0288], [0.1256, 0.992081, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_wall_4_green_F", [7459.85, 1311.4, 24.6318], [-0.947186, -0.320686, 0.000156585], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_wall_4_green_F", [7457.91, 1316.35, 24.6289], [-0.947186, -0.320686, 0.000156585], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_wall_4_green_F", [7456.06, 1321.46, 24.6263], [-0.947186, -0.320686, 0.000156585], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_wall_4_green_F", [7461.84, 1306.48, 24.6339], [-0.947186, -0.320686, 0.000156585], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7455.62, 1325.33, 24.5955], [-0.369646, 0.929173, -0.000453698], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7461.14, 1327.53, 24.5946], [-0.369646, 0.929173, -0.000453698], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7466.52, 1329.54, 24.5947], [-0.369646, 0.929173, -0.000453698], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7471.88, 1331.78, 24.592], [-0.369646, 0.929173, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7477.3, 1333.97, 24.592], [-0.369646, 0.929173, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7484.54, 1332.57, 24.592], [0.910213, 0.41414, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7487, 1327.28, 24.592], [0.910213, 0.41414, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7489.18, 1322.16, 24.592], [0.910213, 0.41414, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7491.47, 1316.9, 24.592], [0.910213, 0.41414, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7487.74, 1310.75, 24.592], [0.368112, -0.929782, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7482.05, 1308.53, 24.592], [0.338513, -0.940962, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7476.42, 1306.46, 24.6061], [-0.328933, 0.944353, -0.00046111], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7470.8, 1304.55, 24.6064], [-0.312656, 0.949866, -0.000463802], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_HBarrier_01_line_5_green_F", [7465.06, 1302.53, 24.6067], [0.35124, -0.936285, 0.000457171], [0, 0.000488281, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F", [7466.92, 1308.59, 28.7686], [0.94186, 0.336006, 0], [0, 0, 1], false], ["Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F", [7475.93, 1319.71, 27.7275], [0.379881, -0.925036, 0], [0, 0, 1], false] ]; { private _vehicle = (_x select 0) createVehicle (_x select 1); _vehicle allowDamage false; _vehicle setPosWorld (_x select 1); _vehicle setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3]; _vehicle enableSimulationGlobal (_x select 4); _vehicle setVariable ["ExileIsLocked", -1, true]; if (_vehicle isKindOf "Exile_RussianRouletteChair") then { ExileRouletteChairs pushBack _vehicle; ExileRouletteChairPositions pushBack [_x select 1, getDir _vehicle]; }; } forEach _vehicles; // 0 Simple Objects private _invisibleSelections = ["zasleh", "zasleh2", "box_nato_grenades_sign_f", "box_nato_ammoord_sign_f", "box_nato_support_sign_f"]; private _simpleObjects = [ ]; { private _simpleObject = createSimpleObject [_x select 0, _x select 1]; _simpleObject setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3]; { if ((toLower _x) in _invisibleSelections) then { _simpleObject hideSelection [_x, true]; }; } forEach (selectionNames _simpleObject); } forEach _simpleObjects; That is my current objects list. I followed the guide instructed by jerome, but my carrier spawns below the water. Even with the 90 on the Z axis. This is also the error DMS throws 4:23:13 Error in expression <0.961016, 0.276494, 0], 0, 0, 1, true], ]> 4:23:13 Error position: <]> 4:23:13 Error Missing [ 4:23:13 File x\addons\DMS\objects\static\CarrierBase.sqf, line 3 4:23:13 Error in expression <0.961016, 0.276494, 0], 0, 0, 1, true], ]> 4:23:13 Error position: <]> 4:23:13 Error Missing [ 4:23:13 File x\addons\DMS\objects\static\CarrierBase.sqf, line 3 4:23:13 "DMS ERROR :: Calling DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static with invalid file/filepath: CarrierBase | _export: <null>" 4:23:13 Error in expression < file/filepath: %1 | _export: %2",_file,_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 4:23:13 Error position: <_export]; [] }; private _objs = _export> 4:23:13 Error Undefined variable in expression: _export 4:23:13 File \x\addons\dms\scripts\fn_ImportFromM3E_Static.sqf [DMS_fnc_ImportFromM3E_Static], line 42 Anyone got any ideas? Edit: the guide i followed was in here.
  3. graylyn

    [PE] Premium Exile

    We are back and better than ever! With a more optimized mission, dedicated server administrators (with access to box if any issues arise) we are an Arma server willing to commit to its community to deliver the best possible exile experience, with no respect based traders, and high loot. Our server's focus is HIGH PvP experience with little to lose for those that are willing to engage in it (Base raids not withstanding). PvE players are also welcome, however, any player can kill you at any time. We are adding more features as well soon, such as suicide vests that work while incapacitated (and someone is looting your body), a custom bounty system, and a touch off range increase for those that wish to fully embrace ambush tactics. We invite you to join our discord and feel free to ask us any questions! We are also currently looking for a dedicated dev to help us out! (PM Bork in the discord or myself through to inquire more details)
  4. graylyn

    Looking for dedicated dev

    Howdy! I am currently looking for a developer for exile with heavy scripting experience to be dedicated to our server and its community. We are currently a reboot of the former Premium Exile Server. We have a working mission with features and some custom scripts but are looking to further expand on our current mission. We are also willing to compensate a dev for their work, in particular a portion of donations we get would be negotiable as well. PM Bork in the discord here, or PM me here as well, whichever suits you the best.
  5. graylyn

    Flag Hacking 1.0.4

    @ItsDutch I am using extdb2. I am trying to use the newest package you uploaded.
  6. After 1.92 i am unsure why it is doing this. It makes it hard to help players with issues, or tell them they are infi banned.
  7. graylyn

    Server is not showing or logging kicks properly.

    Any way to display this like it normally was?
  8. graylyn

    Issue with player joining my server

    The message is SC: Player kicked off: and does not list a reason ingame.
  9. graylyn

    Issue with player joining my server

    Well, we fixed it. But the server isnt returning why people are kicked. He had an infistar ban that was made in error.
  10. We have an issue with a player connecting to my server. The server executes a #kick and doesnt log why. We have fixed the NIArms signing issue. However the kick issue persists Player RPT: Server RPT:
  11. graylyn

    Player having issues joining server

    It appears he his loading missions from the CUP directory called introEXP Edit new RPT:
  12. graylyn

    Player having issues joining server

    the issue occurs through either or.
  13. graylyn

    Player having issues joining server

    we had him wipe arma off of the face of the HDD
  14. graylyn

    Player having issues joining server

    Ones that are updating their mods can connect no problem. This is the only player that throws a kicked off message. Others just say disconnected that havent updated mods.
  15. graylyn

    Player having issues joining server

    Just this one. you also see in side SC: Player austin kicked off: and thats it.
  16. graylyn

    Player having issues joining server

    edited to reflect as such
  17. graylyn

    Player having issues joining server

    The top RPT is his, the second is the servers.
  18. graylyn

    Infistar car theft notifications.

    I am trying to disable the notifications for someone entering your car. While I dont mind it working in safezones, it will do it outside, and notify players of someone taking their vehicle. If at all possible i would turn the notifications off entirely just to prevent it from having it happen outside of trader. Also, i believe it is tied to infi anti theft. Could I turn it off? I cannot for the life of me find it anywhere.
  19. How would someone disable the artillery computer server wide. I know adding idd -1 to infistar will for sure do it, but I dont want it in the scroll wheel. enableEngineArtillery false; SHOULD do it if i put it in the init.sqf but it doesnt seem to work. Infistar being on or not. Anyone else have any ideas?
  20. I would like to change the default vanilla XM8's Server Rules button to something else. There is not much assistance I can find on here, but I made an app called rules, and the Server Rules button tells my players to check there. I would like to rename it Server Information if possible.
  21. graylyn

    Change Server Rules Button?

    Same result
  22. graylyn

    Change Server Rules Button?

    Same Error.
  23. graylyn

    Change Server Rules Button?

    none of those were listed in @ExileServer config.cfg it was the default one i downloaded off of the website.
  24. graylyn

    Change Server Rules Button?

    This is already included in the mission config, otherwise, none of the other stuff would work. its JUST the xm8