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About xxBLEEDINGxx

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  1. xxBLEEDINGxx

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    awesome thankyou
  2. xxBLEEDINGxx

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Good call tho no wrong brackets, i had removed the slums, salt flats, occupation and underwater stash from the static folder because it was removed from the config.sqf i guess DMS didn't like that???? i put them back and it works fine now.... you wouldn't happen to know were the other references to those SQF are?
  3. xxBLEEDINGxx

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Can someone help me out? My server was running fine until i started adding in static missions and the my server started looping. "ExileServer - Database Error: Error Unknown Protocol" 22:14:16 Error in expression < to _numberOfClans - 1 do { ((_clanIDs select _i) select 0) call ExileServer_sy> 22:14:16 Error position: <select _i) select 0) call ExileServer_sy> 22:14:16 Error Generic error in expression Am i being dumb and their a SQL database change i was suppose to make?