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dima054 last won the day on October 21 2017

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59 Excellent

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About dima054

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  1. dima054

    Public Virtual Garage

    Idk, getting Invite invalid. p.s. It worked if adding directly in discord, sorry.
  2. dima054

    Public Virtual Garage

    https://discord.gg/M7WMUeR link is dead
  3. I keep hearing from players that the ammo is gone on restarts, but some vehicles do load ammo fine. We run cup and rhs. Will try to find some pattern.
  4. Got this on the latest version: https://pastebin.com/7jJTTC5k
  5. dima054

    Exile Loot Drop DLL

  6. dima054

    Infistar exile

    Будет кикать, настроишь потихоньку в инфистаре и баттлае.
  7. dima054

    Infistar exile

    3 минуты если читать инструкцию.
  8. dima054

    StokesMagee's Resort - Premium Scripts

    Owning 3 scripts from Stokes. Recommended.
  9. dima054

    Debug Command for Processes

    maybe {diag_log str _x} forEach diag_activeSQFScripts; will output them into rpt
  10. dima054

    Debug Command for Processes

    maybe {diag_log str _x} forEach diag_activeSQFScripts;
  11. dima054

    Exile 1.0.4 Bugs Megathread !! READ THE RULES!!

    That was always like that.
  12. dima054

    Infistar exile

    Списка нет, фичи необходимые для администрации и защиты эксайла
  13. dima054

    Infistar exile

    Да, в инфи эксайла встроенны куча фич для эксайла. Инфистар А3 вообще не факт что заработает на эксайле.
  14. dima054

    Main Loop Stopped

    Latest infistar exile beta version has a fix for it.
  15. dima054

    *NEW AND IMPROVED* Sell Crates At Wastedump for R3F

    Fixed. Kneeling. Thanks!