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  1. BiZR

    infiSTAR update kicking players

    Issue is still not resolved... @infiSTAR any ETA on when the Exile update will be live?
  2. BiZR

    infiSTAR update kicking players

    Yeah, I can see why "invisibleman.p3d" might get kicked for but the "Bypass?" thing is new I'm guessing as I've not seen it before.
  3. After the update I am now seeing users join and get error messages like so repeatedly: [A] David(76561198061910515) | Bypass? | 2h 25min 5s [08-05-2017 14-14-45 - v0077] [08-05-2017 14-14-45 - v0077]" Shortly after this they are kicked with this message: "Exile/BIS_fnc_log: HandleDisconnect : a1cd6040# 1480270: invisibleman.p3d" This issue was never a problem until I was forced to update infiSTAR today which included this new bypass check. This was NEVER an issue before updating. Any help is much appreciated as around 6-7 players are suffering with this issue.
  4. As far as I know this comes from Ryan's Zombies and Demons but apparently that was fixed in the last patched around 9 months ago but I still face this issue on my server. We use ExileZ 2 to spawn our zombies so is there anyway of fixing this bug whilst keeping zombies?
  5. Every time it freezes one of the cores is just maxed out, doesn't matter if there is no zombies, etc spawned in or 1 player or 10. When it freezes server just goes 100% full on one core.
  6. Seems to happen when people uses traders, I use the easy trader setup by red_ned and have NIA, CUP and EBM enabled from it, nothing else.
  7. Ever since switching to Esseker I keep getting these weird freezes where the server will just stop working and everything is froze in place. I use DMS, Occupation (with occupyPlaces disabled, mainly used for traders and transport) and ExileZ 2 with a low amount of zombies unless a horde spawns which is set to 20. Doesn't seem to be anything in particular that causes the freeze and the RPT logs stop writing during this time but querying the server through A3Launcher works perfectly fine still so it hasn't crashed, just froze.
  8. BiZR

    Is Task Force Radio compatible atm?

    Solved: used code from
  9. Just installed Task Force Radio on the server but whenever I connect in game it works for a few seconds until the world has initialized then turns Play to "N" from "Y". Anyway to fix this? EDIT: Should also note I am using infiSTAR with the TFR part enabled and IDD's added.
  10. Yeah they load fine but I mean into the editor so I can put the traders in the exact spots.
  11. Ahhh okay, is there no way to import the buildings objects from initServer.sqf so I can put them in their exact spots?
  12. Using an old Esseker file and fixed it but now the only issue is that traders won't spawn in due to them having the old trader format. Anyway to convert this straight to the newer one without having to rebuild the entire trader areas?